Disclaimer &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; This game will require payment to the Game Master at a rate of $15 via Paypal. Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce private arrangements. 5e HomeBrew: Tales within the Fractured Lands &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Tales within the Fractured Lands is a homebrew mixed with forgotten realms as the two realms collided just 25 years ago. Continents, countries, man, and diety alike were tossed into the unknown as all manner of chaos occurred. The world has begun to stabilize as new countries attempt to stand their ground, though the division between these new worlders and old worlders remains. The gods have gone silent, unknown if they are in hiding or worse, which has caused the mortal races to put their success into their own hands. As new adventures begin their journeys within these new lands, they are met with an expansive world that will change them for each breath they take and each coin they collect.&nbsp; Session Time: &nbsp;The game will take place on Mondays weekly - from 8pm to 11pm EST Session 0 + One Shot: &nbsp;Session 0 will have a full session-length discussion of characters/values as players/themes and focus of the story/and many more discussions! The one shot is offered right after as a way to test said characters to see if they wish to continue with their character chosen or switch it up! Session 0 and the One Shot will be offered at pay-what-you-want rather than the normal rate! DM Info : "Hi everyone, I'm Cryptic, and I have played D&amp;D 5th edition for six years now. With over 6k+ hours on Roll20 and being a paid DM for the last four years, I strive to make the mechanics as easy to use as possible to enjoy the more immersive aspects of the game! My main goal as a DM is to create an immersive world that pulls you in and takes you along for the journey, no matter which path you and your compatriots choose to take. Communication is key for me, so expect a full commitment of it to your campaigns and characters. Looking forward to rolling some dice with you!" Game Length : 3 hours per session Requirements : Discord and Mic Character Info : Stats will be discussed in Session 0, have an idea for a character, but we will work together to bring them to life! Group Expectations: Be Respectful, Communicative, and Considerate. Try to arrive on time, preferably 5 minutes early. If you cannot make a session, please try to inform me a minimum of 2 hours in advance so that I may adjust as needed. You do not pay for a session if you cannot make a session. We will tend to run a minimum of 50% of players during Roleplay/Exploration sessions, with a 75% minimum for expected Combat-heavy sessions. We will use Discord for Voice, so a Discord account is required. DM Expectations: After being a paid DM for the last four years, I have over 6,000 hours on Roll20 and a well-rounded understanding of 5e. I use dynamic lighting and audio to provide an immersive experience. I am not overly strict on weight limits (within reason) I queue in players with checks if it matches their backstory or simply inform them of something they should know as a character that they might not know or remember as a player. I tend to use roleplay over checks unless it pairs with the situation thematically. I have run many different tabletop styles, from heavy combat to nearly complete roleplay with exploration bleeding into either; during session 0, I will let the group decide which percentage to allocate overall campaign length towards for homebrew. Session Information. Sessions are 3 hours long. I will be present 10 minutes before and after each session for any questions. I will assist in character sheet creation, Storyboarding backstory, and rules questions. There will be the option to do 2-3 hour 1-on-1 sessions for backstory events, and groups may elect to do so as a tie-in before session one as a test run session to test character ideas, practice teamwork, and generate a more fluid story. Player Size: 3/5 Allowed Content. I allow all 5e published content (Setting-based books will depend on features/settings). Homebrew content is allowed, although it needs to be approved first. Feel free to discuss it with me at character creation. Game Link: <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/389678/tales-within-the-fractured-lands-monday" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/389678/tales-within-the-fractured-lands-monday</a> Contacting . &nbsp; &nbsp;Please note that Roll20 is not my preferred medium for contact and that most responses will take longer, on average, over Discord.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Discord ID: &nbsp;cryptic24 &nbsp; &nbsp; You may reply here for yourself or your group to contact me, then add me on Discord! &nbsp; &nbsp;First Response Expectations: &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Time Zone: &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Experience with D&amp;D 5e: &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Experience with Roll20: &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Character Concept/s: &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Discord ID: