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Looking for a DM


Edited 1719010253
Im fairly experienced to DnD (4 years) . Im pretty much availible whenever except fridays. I like to play semi serious games where there are lots of laughs but still seriousness when needed. Im also only interested in playing 5E

Edited 1719261860
Hi Heart, I'm a DM. We've got 3 players (3 1/2) but I'm considering whether adding another player would be fun. I'm not entirely sure how to relay the relevant info to you... or maybe what info you would find most relevant! 5e, long-running continuous world, not really massively supplementing the base rules, but there are some tweaks involving XP earning, etc. (done in the name of enhancing "realism" you might say). We are split between EST and PST and we don't have regularly scheduled time except for usually playing on weekends. Hmmmm.... not sure what else to describe off the bat. Feel free to respond with questions and any more about you. Regards, Eric