Welcome to this expedition into the mists of Barovia, brave Pathfinder! You are just in time to join this conversion of Curse of Strahd to Pathfinder 2e which starts tonight, in just two hours from the time of posting, with a session 0, then the campaign proper begins next week. I am an experienced GM, with 20+ years of experience running games, and know the Pathfinder 2e system well after playing and running it for the past four years. This game is hosted on startplaying.games (link to it below, as well as in the LFG listing), and they will handle payment for the game ($15/session, with session 0 being free) for the safety of all involved. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message, and if you're interested, go ahead and sign up, you'll get a link to our Discord as soon as you sign up on Startplaying. :-) <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/403093/strahdfinder-curse-of-strahd-in-pathfinder-2e" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/403093/strahdfinder-curse-of-strahd-in-pathfinder-2e</a> <a href="https://startplaying.games/adventure/clxx3tnga00033j2a672jxjbx" rel="nofollow">https://startplaying.games/adventure/clxx3tnga00033j2a672jxjbx</a>