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Was there a change made to the Art Libraries from the web search?

As the topic reads. Roll20 used to use donjon (Spelling) for assets. I had heard this was a snap shot as the website had closed/ stopped updating. Now when I use this feature I find pictures instead of usable PNG assets, and they are pulled from various sites. Did I miss something here? Is there a way to return that feature to a usable state?
Forum Champion
Hi Erik,  Could you provide a screenshot of what you are seeing? A search criteria?
I did a search for 'camp fire' and this is the results. Before, and just a few days before, the only web results I would get were from the old donjon (again spelling) site.
Here is an example of what the returned images do. This camp fire is the first asset on the returned list.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Your initial post is correct that the web search is a relic, kept as a courtesy to the people who found it useful at the time Google withdrew its original API services. It has degraded ever since, as links became dead,and websites became defunct. You cannot even find the original Dundjinni assets on a google image search.The website no longer exists. However, many of them are cached on other image serving sites and can be found there. I have not used the in-game web search in many years; it's a graveyard of dead links. I would suggest using a dedicated search engine. You can get decent results by including terms like "VTT", "Token", or "transparent png", along with whatever you are searching for.
I still found limited use from the previous search library, but yes a fair amount of the time I had to either search elsewhere or spend the time to create my own png assets. I have found use in using the search key words you mentioned including "top down" for orientation. Do you know of a repository, site, etc that hosts such premade pngs? Would you have any idea if its in the works of Roll20 to provide another like service? Perhaps a user fed server/site?
There are several people and companies that sell token art, including the top-down type that you mentioned, that often offer free sample packs. If you like a particular artist's work, their prices are usually pretty reasonable. I found a few in the Roll20 marketplace as well as by searching with Google using the search terms that keithcurtis mentioned.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
There is a vast amount for sale in the Marketplace. There's probably stuff on Drivethru RPG, as well. For regular google searching, it's catch as catch can. I'd be careful of "collections" to make sure they aren't just providing images that are otherwise for sale legally. I have run across a number of those.