So I couldn't find anything for PF1 so i piece together a macro for the apply damage mod and group check im not the best at these thing and took stuff from macros for 5e to get it to work but it works could be better though but i felt maybe other people may want or need it so ill post it here so its find able !group-check {{ --whisper --?{Ability Check|Fortitude Save|Reflex Save|Will Save|Combat Maneuver|Strength Check|Dexterity Check|Consitution Check|Intelligence Check|Wisdom Check|Charisma Check|Acrobatics|Appraise|Bluff|Climb|Diplomacy|Disable Device|Disguise|Escape Artist|Fly|Handle Animal|heal|intimidate|Knowledge (arcana)|Knowledge (Dungeoneering)|Knowledge (engineering)| Knowledge (geography)|Knowledge (History)|Knowledge (local)| Knowledge (Nature)|Knowledge (Nobility)|Knowledge (Planes)|Knowledge (Religion)|Linguistics|Perception|Ride|Sense Motive| Sleight of Hand|Spellcraft|Stealth|Survival|Swim|Use Magic Device|AC| --process --subheader vs DC ?{DC} --button ApplyDamage !apply-damage ~dmg [[?{Damage|0}]] ~type ?{Damage on Save|Half,half|None,none} ~DC ?{DC} ~saves RESULTS(,) ~ids IDS(,) }} }}