I 'm recruiting marines for a metaplot deathwatch game . Multiple&nbsp; (hopefully /eventually ) GMs running their own stuff held together by mutual plot points and goals to succeed . The game uses an updated iteration of ruleset to bring it in line with Dark Heresy 2 crafted by Lawman _ 4 1 . I have updated and renovated it after he 's stepped away from the project . At the moment , games will be scheduled on roll20 as needed . A custom API and character sheet are there to get us started . Discord also has roll20 integration now which is a neat QOL . I suggest performing exploration , investigation , or even light combat on Discord with the help of a dice mod . I will not force anyone to DM , but if we have 30 marines and one DM . . . well . . . I only have so much time ! DISCORD:&nbsp; <a href="https://discord.gg/y5um4AdxMV" rel="nofollow">https://discord.gg/y5um4AdxMV</a>