Jumpgate is only half the equation. Speaking realistically, D&D 5e still absolutely dominates Roll20 demographics. Many API scripts will likely fail if they attempt to interact with the new Beacon-based sheet*. I think any such list should have a column for Jumpgate and a column for Beacon. From my testing, 95% of scripts should work just fine on Jumpgate, or will just need maintenance to leverage the new abilities Jumpgate will grant.
Also, such a thread should probably have a top-post index of the reports made throughout the thread. Is that something you are interested in taking on?
Finally, might it be a good idea to do the actually collation in a wiki page? Threads can close or become derailed, or the original poster can leave for some reason. Anyone can edit the wiki, and frankly, it has better presentation tools. Mod creators can also be encouraged to update their script's compliance (Though again, I expect this to be minimal for Jumpgate, but huge for Beacon interaction)
*I have no idea what to expect from Demiplane interaction, but my personal prediction is pretty pessimistic.