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LFP - NWoD on Tuesdays


Edited 1412104629
Blood and Smoke game (NWoD Vampire, 2nd ed for those not familiar), played at 18:00 GMT+2 (Stockholm) Wednesdays If you believe you could attend regularly and in a timely fashion then please check out the LFG posting below. Thank you for reading :) [[Link Removed]] Edit: The title is wrong, my apologies, I got distracted while writing it. Wednesday is the correct day. Edit: This game is full now, so I changed the post accordingly.
Since it has been asked twice now I felt that I should give a heads up; no, I can't change the day I'm afraid, and I am definitely not willing to change the system, not even to another NWoD one. Sorry :)
Is there still spots open cause I would love to play
Yeah I made a post too and didn't get word back
Good mornings folks. I'd like to start by apologizing for the slight delay in updates and replies, the last 24 hours have been filled with overtime, back-pain and one set of social drama which, alas, distracted me from the internet to a fair degree. So, to the point, if you're interested please post on the board linked above, as well as read the information presented there, and I'll get to you as soon I can which should be within the next twenty-four hours. We have one spot free and four people who want to join so far so in best Survivor spirit I will probably have to have a brief interview with each of you, if possible to arrange. Regards, Martin
It's cool, are you going to PM us for the interview or have a skype conversation.
Just to avoid further confuson; this game is full now, no more open spots available. Thanks for all your time and interest folks :)