I wanted the night vision tint color for all PCs and NPCs in my game to default to "transparent", so I went into Game Settings and set that up. Now, when I drag a PC from the journal or an NPC from the compendium, the night vision tint color comes in set to #000000 (black). I went back to Game Settings to check, and found it had been changed from "transparent" to "black". I changed it back and got the same results; it keeps getting reset to "black". I tried this several times. If I set the tint under Game Settings to any other color than "transparent", the setting works. This is the procedure that I have to use i order to get my desired night vision tint setting: -Drag the token onto the map -Open the token's token settings -Change the night vision tint color to "transparent". -Save the token and keep it selected -Open the character sheet -Open the character sheet Edit screen and select "Use Selected Token" Editing the token settings directly through the character sheet Edit menu does not work; the settings have to be done using the procedure described above. Neither does u sing the TokenMod script to automate the first three steps of that procedure; I have to do it manually. I can repeat this problem in both new Jumpgate and new non-Jumpgate games. I have submitted support tickets twice on this but it's still on the back burner due to other priorities. The reason that I tried changing the default night vision tint color through Game Settings is because when creating a new game, that tint comes pre-set to #ffff00 (yellow), which I did not want. I have since discovered that leaving this setting alone results in the tokens dragged from the compendium to have their night vision tint set to "transparent", not #ffff00 (yellow). Had I known this I wouldn't have touched it! Desired result: I want the night vision tint color set to "transparent" because tinted vision effects tend to wash out the graphics on maps. Has anyone else seen this behavior, and if so, how did you fix it? Or am I the only one that's messed with this setting under Game Settings?