I am usually mastering D&D5e with the official 2014 sheet, shared compendiums (PHB, XGE, TCOE) and I have lots of mod scripts (either official or written by me) in my games. This week-end my group was supposed to start Candlekeep Mysteries mastered by a friend who has a free account, no compendium, no scripts. I was happy I could be a player for once, but we were about to cancel due to these nasty technical difficulties that have been around for too long now. I just opened my 1st-level rogue character sheet in my friend's Roll20-purchased campaign on his free account. I changed the Dexterity score, it updated the Dexterity mod, the Initiative score and the AC. So apparently changing an input value is reflected in other attributes. SInce this is an official sheet, I expect it to follow the Roll20 guidelines and these updates are done via a sheetworker. So it looks like the change event was triggered. I then clicked the sneak attack check box in the global damage modifiers repeating section, the box appeared checked. I clicked the rapier attack, and it showed the sneak attack damage in the chat. I un-clicked the sneak attack, clicked again on the rapier, and this time no sneak damage in the chat. Therefore the events in repeating sections are also triggered. Or at least they are today 2024/10/04 @ 17:20 I am a good little soldier and I use Roll20 only on a supported browser, Google Chrome. I am using W11. I also use the not supported Chrome Extension that enhances a bit Roll20 and it did not seem to get in the way, but I may disabled it sunday afternoon if we decide to play after all. Hope this helps