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Sheet triggers seem buggy today


Edited 1727941229
vÍnce said:  99% of roll20's users will not even know there's a potentially sheet breaking issue with this bug. ;-( Maybe that's the reason why it has not been fixed already. I have to cancel my friday game. Hopefuly this will be sorted soon.
Hey Folks, Thank you for bringing this to our attention. It is a major issue for sure and it is something we've been looking into. We believe we have a fix for this but we're having trouble confirming. We're going to go ahead and release the change we made. Please let us know if you continue to see this problem. I'll follow along closing for confirmation from you all that you're no longer experiencing this issue.
Sheet Author
Thanks Andrew.  I'll re-test my initial poc code tonight and report back.  Can you share any info about the bug?
Not sure if you have released the change you have made but as of now the proficiencies not toggling on and off issue is still continuing for me at least. I haven't had time to test anything else yet Andrew Searles said: Hey Folks, Thank you for bringing this to our attention. It is a major issue for sure and it is something we've been looking into. We believe we have a fix for this but we're having trouble confirming. We're going to go ahead and release the change we made. Please let us know if you continue to see this problem. I'll follow along closing for confirmation from you all that you're no longer experiencing this issue.

Edited 1727992422
Sheet Author
API Scripter
There's some code to reproduce buggy behaviour over here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> You should be able to reproduce it in pretty much any repeated section. The bug is still present in both code sections according to my testing.

Edited 1728013724
Sheet Author
Update: I just re-checked my test code from last month that demonstrated every other attribute failing to trigger. (initially Jumpgate only but then it effected non-Jumpgate as well) Each attribute is now triggering in my test code. Working in Jump and non-Jump. So the update seems to have solved that.&nbsp; This still seems to be a problem for repeating attributes though.

Edited 1728013642
Sheet Author
GiGs said: There's some code to reproduce buggy behaviour over here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> You should be able to reproduce it in pretty much any repeated section. The bug is still present in both code sections according to my testing. Still looks bugged in your repeating example. ;-( I've also verified that on the 1e sheet (and probably ALL OTHER ROLL20 SHEETS WITH WORKERS!) that triggers are only happening on every other change/edit for repeating attributes.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
vÍnce said: GiGs said: There's some code to reproduce buggy behaviour over here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> You should be able to reproduce it in pretty much any repeated section. The bug is still present in both code sections according to my testing. Still looks bugged in your repeating example. ;-( That means it might still be bugged in your code sample, too. This code was more erratic than the repeating section one (which was very reliable in demonstrating a bug). Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, so it's probably worth checking your code again in another campaign or on another character.
My game still bugged. (spell lists do not update correctly)

Edited 1728015759
Sheet Author
GiGs said: vÍnce said: GiGs said: There's some code to reproduce buggy behaviour over here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> You should be able to reproduce it in pretty much any repeated section. The bug is still present in both code sections according to my testing. Still looks bugged in your repeating example. ;-( That means it might still be bugged in your code sample, too. This code was more erratic than the repeating section one (which was very reliable in demonstrating a bug). Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, so it's probably worth checking your code again in another campaign or on another character. My code with the non-repeating attributes seems to trigger on every attribute change now. Tested with new characters in jump and non-jump. Also seems to work in the 1e sheet's non-repeating attributes (at least on the few issues that people brought up seem to be triggering now). &nbsp; That said, the repeating attributes are definitely not triggering properly.&nbsp;
Sheet Author
API Scripter
vÍnce said: My code with the non-repeating attributes seems to trigger on every attribute change now. Tested with new characters in jump and non-jump. Also seems to work in the 1e sheet's non-repeating attributes (at least on the few issues that people brought up seem to be triggering now). &nbsp; That said, the repeating attributes are definitely not triggering properly.&nbsp; It sounds like they have made some progress then.
For me it looks fine, the sheet is triggering as usual. (Just a weird bug at first when I tried to open sheet and when I droppied icons on map: in both they were "freezed". But this ended as I changed map or duplicated it in a new one and now everything looks going fine) Thanks

Edited 1728050693
Jonnes Derik
Sheet Author
In my Sheet (Trinity Continuum 2 ed) the repeated sections Triggersare wrong. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't.
Still bugged for both non-repeating values (eg. toggling a Proficiency checkbox on/off in the D&amp;D 5E 2014 sheet) and for repeating sections (eg. toggling a Global Damage Modifier on/off in that sheet).
Ironsworn Starforged continues bugged, can't opt in to make a character or edit the stats themselves.

Edited 1728047953
Sheet Author
API Scripter
It would be most helpful if people stated which sheet they are using, and whether it's a JumpGate game or not, for others to reproduce the situation.

Edited 1728051259
So I was using a 5e Character Sheet to make The Real Devil Strahd. statblock: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> The spell save dc and spell attack bonus were not calculating correctly for me initially. It was reading as Spell Save DC: 0 and Spell Attack Bonus was NaN. I recently checked the spells and thought they were still broken, but I removed the spells and put them back on the sheet from the compendium and it seems to be reflecting proper stats now. Also in case anyone was unaware the CR of NPCs affects your Spell Save DC and Spell Attack Bonus. I was not aware of this so I thought I was getting the wrong numbers initially. It seems that spells and attacks probably do a calculation based on the character sheet when initially put onto the sheet so any spells or attacks that were broken before need to be added back onto character sheets to fix the bug. This is a little annoying instead of real time calculation, but it's fixable now so no more complaints from me. Thanks team!
Hey folks, It sounds like we might have gotten some of this fixed but there are definitely still issues. Let me check in with the team and figure out what we can do to get this fully solved.

Edited 1728052786
Riley D.
Roll20 Team
So I'm trying to reproduce the repeating issues bug with the code from the second part of this post: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I have that code setup in a game where that is the only code. It's a brand-new game that I just created. In both Jumpgate and Legacy. And checking the boxes seems to work fine now (every time I check a box, the number goes up by one). I made several rows and it seems fine for all of them. Is that not what you're seeing? Is it possible there's something else at play now (i.e. if there was old stale data from before the fix went out or)?
Aleksi said: Still bugged for both non-repeating values (eg. toggling a Proficiency checkbox on/off in the D&amp;D 5E 2014 sheet) and for repeating sections (eg. toggling a Global Damage Modifier on/off in that sheet). Likewise, I made a new game and a new sheet in that game in both Jumpgate and Legacy with the D&amp;D 2014 Sheet. Made a new character, hit Edit the Sheet Directly, then checked the boxes next to Strength and Dexterity, observed that the "0" changed to a "2". Changed the Strength and Dex states to each be 12, bonus went to "3", AC and Initiative calculated. It did seem to me like the Global Attack Modifier was working as well (I could enable it, it applied to a Longsword I had dropped onto the sheet). Can others confirm whether or not those features are broken in a new character for them in Jumpgate or Legacy? And if so, what the steps are to break it? If not, we might have an issue where we need to dive into individual sheets/games to figure out the remainder of what's going on here.

Edited 1728053955
Sheet Author
API Scripter
You got my hopes up there, to no avail. I just created a completely new game (not jumpgate) and chose as character sheet, Custom Sheet, and pasted just that repeating section code. When I click the checkbox, the worker is only triggering on every second click (which, ironically, is when the checkbox is unchecked , if there is just one row). This is the entire code that was in the completely new sheet: &lt;!-- Showing the bug in repeating sections, click only the checkbox repetedly and watch the number change --&gt; &lt; fieldset class = "repeating_test" &gt; &nbsp; &nbsp; &lt; input type = "checkbox" name = "attr_test" value = "1" &gt; &nbsp; &nbsp; &lt; input type = "number" name = "attr_report" value = "0" &gt; &lt;/ fieldset &gt; &lt; script type = "text/worker" &gt; &nbsp; &nbsp; on ( 'change:repeating_test:test' , () =&gt; { &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; getAttrs ([ 'repeating_test_test' , 'repeating_test_report' ], v =&gt; { &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; const report = parseInt ( v . repeating_test_report ) || 0 ; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; const test = parseInt ( v . repeating_test_test ) || 0 ; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; setAttrs ({ &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; repeating_test_report: ( report == test + 1 ) ? test + 2 : report + 1 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; }); &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; }); &nbsp; &nbsp; }); &lt;/ script &gt;

Edited 1728054228
Riley D.
Roll20 Team
What browser are you using? And OS? I just retested this again and it's working for me on Chome/Mac so I feel like I'm taking going crazy haha.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I'm using Firefox on Windows 10. I wonder if I should check on Chrome. For the trecord, I just checked on JumpGate and the same issue was present there.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I just checked on Chrome (and now JumpGate), and the same issue is present. I don't have a mac or linux machine to test it on.
I can confirm that I have tested it in my current 5e 2014 games and the problem has not been fixed when it comes to proficiencies being toggled on and off

Edited 1728055953
Riley D.
Roll20 Team
Hmmm. Okay.&nbsp; I just want to make sure we're following the exact same steps. 1. Create new game. Select Custom sheet type.&nbsp; 2.&nbsp; Open up the Game Settings, p aste in the above code, click Save Changes. (Legacy Sanitization is unchecked). 3. Launch the game. Create a new Character. Close the Character editor so the sheet shows up. 4. Press the "Add" button. Toggle and untoggle the checkbox repeatedly. See if the value changes. It should increase by 1 every time the box is checked or unchecked.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I am usually mastering D&amp;D5e with the official 2014 sheet, shared compendiums (PHB, XGE, TCOE) and I have lots of mod scripts (either official or written by me) in my games. This week-end my group was supposed to start Candlekeep Mysteries mastered by a friend who has a free account, no compendium, no scripts. I was happy I could be a player for once, but we were about to cancel due to these nasty technical difficulties that have been around for too long now. I just opened my 1st-level rogue character sheet in my friend's Roll20-purchased campaign on his free account. I changed the Dexterity score, it updated the Dexterity mod, the Initiative score and the AC. So apparently changing an input value is reflected in other attributes. SInce this is an official sheet, I expect it to follow the Roll20 guidelines and these updates are done via a sheetworker. So it looks like the change event was triggered. I then clicked the sneak attack check box in the global damage modifiers repeating section, the box appeared checked. I clicked the rapier attack, and it showed the sneak attack damage in the chat. I un-clicked the sneak attack, clicked again on the rapier, and this time no sneak damage in the chat. Therefore the events in repeating sections are also triggered. Or at least they are today 2024/10/04 @ 17:20&nbsp; I am a good little soldier and I use Roll20 only on a supported browser, Google Chrome. I am using W11. I also use the not supported Chrome Extension that enhances a bit Roll20 and it did not seem to get in the way, but I may disabled it sunday afternoon if we decide to play after all. Hope this helps
Thanks for the feedback! That's helpful as well.

Edited 1728056411
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Riley D. said: Hmmm. Okay.&nbsp; I just want to make sure we're following the exact same steps. 1. Create new game. Select Custom sheet type.&nbsp; 2.&nbsp; Open up the Game Settings, p aste in the above code, click Save Changes. (Legacy Sanitization is unchecked). 3. Launch the game. Create a new Character. Close the Character editor so the sheet shows up. 4. Press the "Add" button. Toggle and untoggle the checkbox repeatedly. See if the value changes. It should increase by 1 every time the box is checked or unchecked. Thats the exact procedure I used. I have no extensions that modify roll20. I am using ublock origin for adblocking.
This sounds like my experience exactly when I was playing in a Jumpgate one shot as a Kensei Monk. The global damage modifier operated exactly as your sneak attack did.&nbsp; StéphaneD said: I am usually mastering D&amp;D5e with the official 2014 sheet, shared compendiums (PHB, XGE, TCOE) and I have lots of mod scripts (either official or written by me) in my games. This week-end my group was supposed to start Candlekeep Mysteries mastered by a friend who has a free account, no compendium, no scripts. I was happy I could be a player for once, but we were about to cancel due to these nasty technical difficulties that have been around for too long now. I just opened my 1st-level rogue character sheet in my friend's Roll20-purchased campaign on his free account. I changed the Dexterity score, it updated the Dexterity mod, the Initiative score and the AC. So apparently changing an input value is reflected in other attributes. SInce this is an official sheet, I expect it to follow the Roll20 guidelines and these updates are done via a sheetworker. So it looks like the change event was triggered. I then clicked the sneak attack check box in the global damage modifiers repeating section, the box appeared checked. I clicked the rapier attack, and it showed the sneak attack damage in the chat. I un-clicked the sneak attack, clicked again on the rapier, and this time no sneak damage in the chat. Therefore the events in repeating sections are also triggered. Or at least they are today 2024/10/04 @ 17:20&nbsp; I am a good little soldier and I use Roll20 only on a supported browser, Google Chrome. I am using W11. I also use the not supported Chrome Extension that enhances a bit Roll20 and it did not seem to get in the way, but I may disabled it sunday afternoon if we decide to play after all. Hope this helps
GiGs said: Riley D. said: Hmmm. Okay.&nbsp; I just want to make sure we're following the exact same steps. 1. Create new game. Select Custom sheet type.&nbsp; 2.&nbsp; Open up the Game Settings, p aste in the above code, click Save Changes. (Legacy Sanitization is unchecked). 3. Launch the game. Create a new Character. Close the Character editor so the sheet shows up. 4. Press the "Add" button. Toggle and untoggle the checkbox repeatedly. See if the value changes. It should increase by 1 every time the box is checked or unchecked. Thats the exact procedure I used. I have no extensions that modify roll20. I am using ublock origin for adblocking. And the broken behavior is that if you check the box, only every-other time does the value update?
Okay, I may have a lead on this. If I turn on the Network Throttling in Chrome, and set it to 3G, I am seeing the behavior. So something about a race condition re: network connection may be causing this. Let me investigate further and get back to you.

Edited 1728058526
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I have fiber for my connection to the internet, and I am connected to my home router via ethernet over a PLC adapter
I am also on a fibre optic internet connection and on a 5g connection but based in Europe. I did notice it was worse for me and the Australian based player in one of my games compared to the North American players. They still had issues but less than we did

Edited 1728060841
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Riley D. said: And the broken behavior is that if you check the box, only every-other time does the value update? That's correct. If you create just one row in the repeating section, you'll have one checkbox and one input. Each click of the checkbox (whether checking or unchecking it), should cause the input to increase by 1. But with the buggy behaviour, it happens only on every second click of the checkbox. If you have multiple rows, it's every 2nd click distributed between the rows. The count is per repeating section, not per row. (I havent tested what happens if you have multiple repeating sections-&nbsp; I should test that.)
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Riley D. said: Okay, I may have a lead on this. If I turn on the Network Throttling in Chrome, and set it to 3G, I am seeing the behavior. So something about a race condition re: network connection may be causing this. Let me investigate further and get back to you. Interesting. I am in the UK, with a 4-5MB/s landline connection.
Yeah now that I can do the 3G throttle thing, I very consistently see what you're describing, so it's definitely something related to network conditions. We have a few ideas on how to fix it and are working to test them out now. But at least now I can see it happening, I figured there was something else involved but I was getting concerned it was going to be impossible to figure out what. Glad now we have a lead at least :-) Thank you for your help in providing the test case and working through it with me, very much appreciated.

Edited 1728066494
Riley D.
Roll20 Team
Okay! So, we think we have a solution for this. As of right now, it is only deployed for Jumpgate games. @GiGs can you try the repro now on your machine on both a Legacy game and a Jumpgate game and see if it's fixed now for you on the Jumpgate one? And then if anyone else who was having issues with i.e. the 2014 sheet proficiencies or other issues wants to check in a Jumpgate game and see if that's now fixed, that would be helpful.&nbsp; If we know that this is indeed the solution, we'll get it rolled out to everyone shortly.

Edited 1728068451
Sheet Author
API Scripter
That do seemed to have fixed things. The jumpgate version of the game works properly, the Legacy game is still bugged. I just tested a sandbox game i had created earlier, and when converted tp jumpgate, the bug is fixed there too.
Great! Thanks so much for your help tracking this down. We're just finishing up our QA tests for the legacy version then we'll get that out as well.
Had to create a new character but the problem seems fixed on my Jumpgate Ironsworn Starforged game.
GAA_TXT said: Had to create a new character but the problem seems fixed on my Jumpgate Ironsworn Starforged game. Hooray!
Sheet Author
This sound promising.&nbsp; Can't test until after work though.&nbsp; Thanks Riley

Edited 1728069736
Hello Riley and thanks for taking care of the issue. Just so you know, I've just tried on a custom game, using the custom sheet that 1st made the bug appear to me mid august. As of now, using W10 and firefox with no addons, on a jumpgate game with legacy santitization unchecked and it works : - all numbers typed inputs are treated by the sheetworker - all checkboxes inputs are treated by the sheetworker, including checkboxes included in repeating sections my connexion as usual is WIFI to my landline optic fiber router (now showing 70mpbs d/l, 40 mpbs u/l, 5ms ping)
This should now be deployed for Legacy and Jumpgate games. Let us know if you run into any other issues like this. Thanks for your patience everyone while we got this resolved. I think it took longer than usual because we were having a hard time getting repro, but once we realized that adding in the network throttling caused it to occur we were able to figure it out.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
This is the first time my 'slow' internet speed has ever been an advantage! I've just tested on another legacy sandbox game (the main sheet I've been working on), and the bug is fixed there too. Looking good at my end.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Non-regression test successful.&nbsp; What was working before the patch still works after the patch. Sunday afternoon session should happen. Thanks.
StéphaneD said: Non-regression test successful.&nbsp; What was working before the patch still works after the patch. Sunday afternoon session should happen. Thanks. Thanks for letting us know!
GiGs said: This is the first time my 'slow' internet speed has ever been an advantage! I've just tested on another legacy sandbox game (the main sheet I've been working on), and the bug is fixed there too. Looking good at my end. Haha, I have Google Fiber so it's no wonder I couldn't get it to happen :D
The problem seems to have been resolved. Thank you very much