Seeking Legendary Heroes for Epic Adventure in Faerûn! A once-in-a-millennium treasure hoard lies hidden deep within the Spine of the World, waiting for those bold enough to claim it. As the stars align and the entrance reveals itself, legendary heroes converge on Easthaven. Danger looms—forces, both known and unknown, threaten to stop you at every turn. Wealth, power, and knowledge await... if you survive. Looking for committed players to join a high-stakes, roleplay-heavy, bi-weekly campaign on Discord/Roll20. Sessions are Sunday evenings at 6pm EST, lasting 4 hours. Balanced mix of exploration, combat, and puzzles. Create your legendary character and prepare for the unknown. Only the brave will make it out alive. THIS IS A LEVEL 20 MINI-SERIES ADVENTURE.  PLEASE CONTACT ME IF INTERESTED IN JOINING OR WITH ANY QUESTIONS.