(To be clear, it said macros in the help guide but apparently these are mods atleast from what the discord said so just interchange the words in here, this is just a copy paste from the discord post I made.) Hey guys ! I am working on some old macros (Mods?) but I can 't seem to get them to work . I am trying to make some weapon ranges that allow me to switch between weapons on ship tokens . I am using <a href="https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RcWNB44er7nP-KcNJRV6u1eRufiKPTDj7vfpY3xlL1I/edit" rel="nofollow">https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RcWNB44er7nP-KcNJRV6u1eRufiKPTDj7vfpY3xlL1I/edit</a> this as a guide but I can 't seem to get it to work . I click on the ranges but nothing happens and one of the buttons makes a weird blip sound . Here is what I wrote for the macro in the library of the token I am using . (If this all bunches up, I don't know why. Maybe this forum is just garbage but I tried to clean it up after it fubar'd on my first post.) Name : 12 -Ranged -Weapon !weapon-arc
--clear --add
0|360 12u #FFFFFF #EA9E00 --add
60|60 12u #5f799A #EA9E00 --add
-60|60 12u #5f799A #EA9E00 --add
180|60 12u #5f799A #EA9E00
}} I essentially copied and pasted from the help guide but it isn 't working (besides changing the HTML colors ) Nothing is showing up , and I remember back in 2019 this script definitely worked in another game . I did show them to be used as a Token Action as well checking the check mark for it . I was told in the discord that this wasn't a Macro but a Mod, so I was pointed to coming here. Just to be clear, I am just assisting in getting these settings set up for a game of Full Thrust, I am not the primary DM so I am not sure if that affects everything or not.