Hi all I'm working on rejigging a sheet i use to fit a new game called Curseborne. In that system when you roll a pool of dice, a certain amount of those dice are replaced by Curse dice - this is fundamentally the same mechanic as the Hunger dice in Vampire the Masquerade. The Curse Dice pool can vary but is usually between 0 and 5 dice (which could be your entire pool if you'd normally roll less than that). Is there a supported way of making this dice switch? A current example of the roller on the sheet I'm repurposing looks like this: rollqueryathletics: "@{athletics}d10>8+?{" + getTranslationByKey("selectattribute") + "|" + getTranslationByKey("intellect") + ",@{intellect}|" + getTranslationByKey("might") + ",@{might}|" + getTranslationByKey("presence") + ",@{presence}|" + getTranslationByKey("cunning") + ",@{cunning}|" + getTranslationByKey("dexterity") + ",@{dexterity}|" + getTranslationByKey("manipulation") + ",@{manipulation}|" + getTranslationByKey("resolve") + ",@{resolve}|" + getTranslationByKey("stamina") + ",@{stamina}|" + getTranslationByKey("composure") + ",@{composure}}d10>8+?{" + getTranslationByKey("extradice") + "|0}d10>8]]}}", This is pulling the number of dice defined by athletics, and then the amount of dice defined by whichever of the selected attributes you match it with, and then rolling d10>8. Part of the problem I can see here is that we've got two rolls going on here - one for Athletics, and one for the Attribute, so it isn't creating one big pool and then rolling that volume of dice. I could change this to something else of course, but I'm not sure how that would look . Cheers