Good day, all. I've been using the Dynamic Lighting for years now for my campaign (modern supernatural camp/horror campaign in similar veins to Supernatural, SCP, Phasmophobia, and police procedurals) and the tool has been indispensable for creating the necessary visual atmosphere for getting the unknown tension of "what hides in the dark" right. Of course, running larger maps with multiple rooms (often at night, but even during daylight interior rooms benefit from long and dark shadows) becomes a bit of a slow and tedious method of activating/deactivating multiple light source tokens that light up a room. If players turn on a room's lights, or a room's lights are turned off (often by a monster), the players are kind of forced to patiently wait while I manually go through and adjust the light tokens one after another. Grouping tokens together doesn't seem to ameliorate the issue, so I was wondering if this is a similar problem other GMs have encountered and if they've found some clever fixes/shorthands for, or if there might be a feature in the works from Roll20 to address this concern? Rooms are often irregularly-shaped and lit from multiple directions/sources (real-life rooms often are), so using a single token in the centre of the room to light up the whole thing is a sub-optimal solution. It's not a game-breaking issue, just a bit of a tedious reality of the mechanics I've chosen to utelise, and requires a little player patience and clever (albeit distracted) descriptive work on my end to cover up. Open to all suggestions, lemme know; please and t's.