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Token Vision Bug, Jumpgate

Currently, every single token in my game has Vision, including maps and other images not linked to a Handout or a Character Sheet and not associated with the Compendium. I am fairly confident this is causing me to receive a "Graphics Performance Notification" error message, though I am not actually experiencing any lag. I only receive this message on pages that have Dynamic Lighting enabled, which is what leads me to think this is because even my MAPS have Vision enabled. I have been able to go through and disable the Vision on an individual basis, but I have tokens I use repeated and have linked to custom Character Sheets for ease of use, such as icons indicating where a door is (for improved visibility). When I try to update the Default Token for one of those door icons, the Vision does not stay disabled. It looks like this: This is extremely frustrating. I of course can disable Vision by default in the Game Settings, but whether or not I do that, that means I have to MANUALLY enable and disable Vision for each token that I want/don't want Vision individually...manually...every time, for each and every token. Good God man, do I need to explain why I don't want to do that?

Edited 1728590624
Forum Champion
Hi Shivalry,  Could you go to, Settings, Campaign Settings, Game Default Settings, then click on the Dynamic Lighting tab? Screenshot that please.  I suspect you have Vision - Dynamic Lighting turned on. It should not be unless you want this sort of problem.  If you want to switch it back to turned off, I suggest switching it in the Campaign Settings, the go into your game, click My Settings, then click Apply Default Settings.  From there you checkmark the box you want to change, hit apply, and WAIT for the nearly hidden bar to finish.  Note: Token changes are on a per-page basis, it only does it for pages you have loaded this session. So go to about 5 pages, do the Apply Default Settings change, let it finish, then refresh and do the next 5 pages. Repeat until done. 
Yes, as I said, I have Token Vision enabled by default in my Game Settings. That does not explain why updating the default token through the Character Sheet will not turn it off. It will not save any changes I make. Yes, as I said, I could turn Token Vision off by default in my Game Settings, but that results in the REVERSE problem I am having now. Instead of having to constantly DISable Token Vision on tokens I do NOT want, I have to constantly ENable Token Vision on tokens I DO want. The problem I am having is changes made to the Tokens WILL NOT SAVE to the Character Sheet, and is being constantly overridden to whatever my default Game Setting is (on or off). Is this a known problem? Is there a known fix? Is this simply "the way it is", and I have no choice but to accept that I will need to painstakingly and monotonously change each and every token on each and every page to the specific settings I want, making dragging and dropping from my Journal effectively useless?
I rarely give vision to NPCs, but if needed I have Tokenmod macros to turn normal and dark vision on or off. As for player vision, I've taken to setting up their vision and other settings on the token that's on the map, then opening the character sheet and selecting "Use selected token". 
Forum Champion
Shivalry said: Yes, as I said, I have Token Vision enabled by default in my Game Settings. That does not explain why updating the default token through the Character Sheet will not turn it off. It will not save any changes I make. Yes, as I said, I could turn Token Vision off by default in my Game Settings, but that results in the REVERSE problem I am having now. Instead of having to constantly DISable Token Vision on tokens I do NOT want, I have to constantly ENable Token Vision on tokens I DO want. The problem I am having is changes made to the Tokens WILL NOT SAVE to the Character Sheet, and is being constantly overridden to whatever my default Game Setting is (on or off). Is this a known problem? Is there a known fix? Is this simply "the way it is", and I have no choice but to accept that I will need to painstakingly and monotonously change each and every token on each and every page to the specific settings I want, making dragging and dropping from my Journal effectively useless? Could you detail your update process step by step so I can try to replicate the problem?  I haven't seen this sort of issue before.  Also, which character sheet are you using? Are you in Jumpgate?