Currently, every single token in my game has Vision, including maps and other images not linked to a Handout or a Character Sheet and not associated with the Compendium. I am fairly confident this is causing me to receive a "Graphics Performance Notification" error message, though I am not actually experiencing any lag. I only receive this message on pages that have Dynamic Lighting enabled, which is what leads me to think this is because even my MAPS have Vision enabled. I have been able to go through and disable the Vision on an individual basis, but I have tokens I use repeated and have linked to custom Character Sheets for ease of use, such as icons indicating where a door is (for improved visibility). When I try to update the Default Token for one of those door icons, the Vision does not stay disabled. It looks like this: This is extremely frustrating. I of course can disable Vision by default in the Game Settings, but whether or not I do that, that means I have to MANUALLY enable and disable Vision for each token that I want/don't want Vision individually...manually...every time, for each and every token. Good God man, do I need to explain why I don't want to do that?