The new compendium allows filtering on sources, but the source list does not distinguish between 2014 and 2024 content. As an example, set a filter for the name "Animal" and the Source "D&D 5th Edition SRD". The results include both the 2014 and 2024 versions of the Animal friendship SRD.
Now for a 2024 game, with backwards compatibility, that might make some sense, since existing players could have the older version and you might need to look up both, or the DM might allow adding the older version on level-up.
But for an older game using the 2014 sheet, it's pointless, as you get the "Hello from the future" error when dragging and dropping such items onto the sheet due to the compendium incompatibility. And if the DM uses the 2024 sheet but wants to run a 2024-only campaign, including the 2014 SRD is just going to be confusing (some spells, for example, have very different behavior under the two systems).
So, this suggestion is three-fold:
1. List ALL of the compendium sources, including default ones like the SRD, in the Content Sharing section of the Game Settings, so the DM can exclude the irrelevant ones from their games.
2. Separate and identify the 2024 and 2014 content when using filters in the new compendium, so you can control them separately. (and put the marking at the start of the line so it isn't cut off, eg "2024 5E SRD")
3. In filters, allow an "exclude checked content" mode (so I could, eg, exclude the items labelled 2024 when searching).