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Why DMs Need the 2024 D&D Core Rulebook Bundle on Roll20

Roll20 wants to help you get the most from the 2024 D&D Core Rulebooks. Our latest blog covers features like: Full integration within your virtual table top and the 2024 D&D Character Sheet - and in searchable compendium format! Ready-to-use maps & tokens to flesh out your adventures.  Exclusive order bonuses you can't get anywhere else. Jumpstart your D&D adventures on Roll20 with the 2024 Core Rulebook Bundle today. Explore limitless creative potential, reduce prep time, and experience all the tools that make Roll20 the best place to play.
Does the Bundle sell THIS bad, that you really need this Advertisement?
Boo. Down vote for a straight out ad in the forum
The 2024 D&D sheet is not working (still). Not touching this with a barge pole. I have already down graded membership and will cancel altogether if this is not fixed.
Don't feel bad if it's not selling that great. Unfortunately, insofar as I'm aware, while there are some changes that are nice and don't scale horribly or the like, most of what I've seen of the newest iteration makes me more likely to homebrew or stick with 5e with tweaks as needed. Not enough innovation or streamlining in positive ways to make it worth the (for me) 5th reinvestment, discounting online media. I understand your struggles.
Ditto. I and my players aren't impressed with what we've read about D&D 5.24. We may have tried it out using the 2024 SRD if the new character sheet was working properly. Need is a very strong word to use here. loki said: Don't feel bad if it's not selling that great. Unfortunately, insofar as I'm aware, while there are some changes that are nice and don't scale horribly or the like, most of what I've seen of the newest iteration makes me more likely to homebrew or stick with 5e with tweaks as needed. Not enough innovation or streamlining in positive ways to make it worth the (for me) 5th reinvestment, discounting online media. I understand your struggles.
Shameless for promoting something that has been filled with bugs and cannot be integrated with the older sheets. Roll20 should be doing better then attempting to sell something they are still working on.
Can't wait to give it a try but I'm waiting until scripts can interact with the 2024 sheet before I make the switch. Keep us updated on your progress.
OK. Lets go with a plus and a cons approach on this : --- On the plus side : * the new compendium is nice and easy to use, the search in game could be faster tho. It tends to lag for no reasons (and its not my network). --- On the cons side : * the new sheet is a disaster. It's bugged out of hell. I can't even open my player's without making it bug and randomly setting one of their main stats to 100+... And that is only if the sheet opens at all... * the DM guide is of no use at all. Maybe if you are a new DM it can be, but if you have some exp, it's useless. * the Monster manual isn't there yet - that's normal as Wizards didn't publish it yet but that is still a bad point => Not recommended for me. I have it and I use it but it is not great at the moment.
Seb said: Can't wait to give it a try but I'm waiting until scripts can interact with the 2024 sheet before I make the switch. Keep us updated on your progress. Hiya! We just released a blog with steps for this as of today!
NEED? Need?! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA Nobody needed this, except WoTC to line their pockets of their dwindling marketshare, overwhelmed by published homebrew content, Your character sheet is unsusable and ugly, the changes of dnd 5.24 are so dumb, and anyone who's awake can make better stuff. Boring, dead on arrival. Disgusting.