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2024 vs 2014 dnd 5e character sheets?

January 03 (1 month ago)

If I want to try a lot of macros, which sheet should I use? I just played a campaign with the 2024 sheet and it had a lot of issues. Both concerning making macros and simply using the character sheet normally. Is 2014 better in any way or do I just need to deal with the 2024 flaws?

January 03 (1 month ago)

2014, absolutely, the 2024 sheet is a nightmare to deal with when it comes to macros.

January 03 (1 month ago)

I second Tuo's comment. I've twice attempted to create a character using the 2024 sheet and deleted them in frustration, mostly because I really dislike the design, but also the problems with customizing attacks and adding macros. The D&D 5e 2014 sheet may not be fully compatible with the D&D 5e 2024 rules, so you'll probably have to manually adjust some things, but at least that sheet allows you to do that fairly easily.

January 03 (1 month ago)
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I'd have to agree with the above sentiments. The emphasis on 2024 seems to be to favor automation over customization.

January 30 (2 weeks ago)
I used to use NPC sheets with built-in macros so that I could use all their stuff without ever having to open their sheets. Can't seem to do that with 2024. I don't even see an Attributes & Abilities page at all, which I thought was standard for all Roll20 sheets. 2014 has Global Modifiers so you can easily do things like Bless, don't see an equivalent for 2024 unless I missed it.

Feels like a swing and a miss to me.