So first, the purpose of this post is not to attack the new D&D 2024 sheet. I think it has a lot of potential once they get it to a point where it can function properly and have all the benefits of the old sheet. The problem is, I run seven weekly D&D games and none of my players (nor I) want to use the new D&D sheet because it just doesn't work as well as the old sheet. We have to copy/paste all the content into the old sheets to be able to play with the new content and I don't feel like that's acceptable. I really want to support roll20, but there's no point in buying any of the 2024 material if it doesn't work with the 2014 sheet. Is there any chance that roll20 will make the new content compatible with the old sheet for the time being? Maybe later when the new sheet has reached the level of functionality the old sheet possesses, we can justify using it. But right now, the lack of API support, lag, lack of basic functionality, and just broken options make the new sheet unusable in my opinion. Again, I love roll20 and love the potential of the new sheet. But it's just not at a place where I can use it and I really want to continue to support roll20 by buying all the books, but can't justify doing so if the functionality isn't linked to a sheet I (we) can use. It would be smarter for me to just buy the PDFs and copy/paste the data into the old sheet. Thanks for listening and great work on the new jumpgate stuff! =)