Beginner friendly game Even if players of all experience levels are welcome. I wanted to make a game that focus on new or inexperienced player. Or players that wanna return to D&D after not playing in a while.
Lost mines of Phandalin is a perfect beginner campaign. It has a bit of everything. Combat, social interactions. Dungeons, exploration and more. It takes you from level 1 to 5. With a possibility to continue beyond Phandalin
I try to run games with a good mix of Roleplay, combat, social interactions, exploration and all the good things that makes a good D&D game. But i try to listen to my players if they want more of something or less of something i try to adapt. After all we are here to have fun and i will try to make the game enjoyable for all.
I also try to personalize the game for my players by adding in some elements from their backstory if possible, some personal story arc and so on
Same with the campaign i try to personalize it by changing things up a little bit ad some things, Change some things. ad or remove others. and not running it 100% by the book.
I have Run this campaign several times and have made some changes to it while still holding true to the original. I use some updated maps. and other small things to make the experience as fun and exciting as possible
In my game you can expect
- Help with creating your character if wanted/needed
- A Good mix of combat and rp
- A living and Breathing world
- Updated maps all with Dynamic lightning
- A slightly reworked campaign to make give it that little extra
- A game and a DM that welcomes new players
- Combat, social encounters, RP, Exploration, Mysteries.
- Many Memorable NPC's to interact with
- Possibility to continue the adventure beyond Phandalin and the lost mines
- A safe space, everyone is welcome. no racism or discrimination
- All brought to you by an experienced and friendly DM
Link to the game here on Roll20 https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/408994/lost-mines-of-phandelin-and-beyond-beginner-friendly-introduction-campaign-wednesday
Link to the game on Startplaying https://startplaying.games/adventure/clxyc5q29000jcx1wuwc8ubsi
This game will require payment to the Game Master at a rate of $19 per player and session. Payed via startplaying. Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements.