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Jumpgate D&D 2024 Character Sheet Macro Visible Only To Player

January 16 (4 weeks ago)

For the Jumpgate D&D 2024 Character Sheets, under the 'Advanced Tools' tab of the player character sheet, a player or a DM can create a macro. As the DM, I have created many macros for players.  When I click on the 'Test Macro' button from the character sheet it is publicly visible in the chat.  However, when the player clicks on the 'Test Macro' button it is visible only to them, and not even I can see it.  How can this be adjusted so that the player can click on the macro shortcut and have it publicly visible in the chat?  

January 17 (3 weeks ago)

Test?  Have you tried to just execute the macro rather than test?

January 17 (3 weeks ago)

Jim W. said:

Test?  Have you tried to just execute the macro rather than test?

Yes.  'Test Macro' is just the name they gave to the execution button.  Perhaps this is the issue, lol.

January 17 (3 weeks ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Hi Mr. DM!

Can you post the text of the macro? I would like to try and replicate.

January 18 (3 weeks ago)

I replicated this easy enough, the content of the macro doesn't seem to matter - the ability macro (in my test, called from the macro bar, which I should reiterate is broken in many ways with the 2024 sheet) just doesn't log from the player. Tested using the join as a player feature, even if that isn't entirely true to life, the issue still cropped up.

The view from the player chat

Then, conversely:
The chat view after reloading the page (which happens when switching back to DM)

Give it a try, it happens every time for me.

January 18 (3 weeks ago)

I was thinking of 2014 sheet, which even in jumpgate does not have this issue. 2024 sheet does. Just tested both

January 18 (3 weeks ago)

Edited January 18 (3 weeks ago)

Happens too if use it as token action, and as bar action

January 21 (3 weeks ago)
Nic B.
Roll20 Team

Hey folks,

Just wanted to confirm that this appears to be a bug with the way that macros are working. I've raised a ticket and will get this prioritized for a fix.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

January 22 (3 weeks ago)

Thank you Keith, Tuo, Jim, and Nic.