Big reply incoming! Sorry if this is out of order - I'm not the biggest master of the forum software, especially in a message this big.
Giddy said:
Is there a way to create a shared resource manually? I've noticed that if I create a cleric with the builder then it creates the various channel divinity options and their resources are shared. That is if I untick the resource in one Channel Divinity option then the other options also get their resources updated. However when I create my own custom resources I don't seem to be able to link them and can only create new resources of the same name.
Not yet but it is on the list with all the other modifiers, a "Use Existing Resource" modifier that lets you link to existing ones instead of making a new one. Like you noted, the technology is there for us to recognize it, it just takes a lot of time to build in the UX for users to manually set up each of these data relationships. Right now we're in a bug bash so it might not come immediately, but I also think it's super valuable to have soon so I'll see if I can slip it in.
Giddy said:
There doesn't seem to be an option to add "Attacks" that automatically hit even though they do exist somewhere in the code. If you drag and drop "Magic Missile" onto the sheet it adds an attack that only deals damage and has an "attack type" of "Automatic Hit". However it doesn't seem possible to assign that attack type manually when creating a new custom attack. I'm trying to add something akin to "Dreadful Strikes" of the Fey Wanderer Ranger for one of my players but can't make the attack only roll damage. Adding it as an "effect" is also annoying due to it affecting only one attack roll in a turn so the player would have to toggle it, roll attack, untoggle it and again roll second attack. Would be useful to be able to just add custom attacks that don't require an attack roll and simply roll damage. Useful for things like the aforementioned "Dreadful Strikes" or "Hunter's Mark". Player may decide to attack an unmarked creature during combat and forget to toggle off the effect.
Like above, this is something that we put in early to support data being able to use it, but haven't yet added the UX for it. This one is much easier than a new modifier, though, so I can definitely slate it for soon.
Paul B. said:
I've also had issues with ability scores during charactermancer creation. My players were finding that when selecting the abilities, the stats were adding to, not replacing, the existing selection. I was able to correct by manually editing after creation.
I am also having a current issue where when I open a player's character sheet as DM, it appears every button is triggered and the rolls are sent to chat. I am mitigating this to some extent by opening all their sheets at the beginning of the game and minimizing/moving them out of the way, but I'd prefer to open as needed instead of taking up screen space.
That first one is something we've been investigating but having trouble reproducing. Is there any similarities between the characters this is happening to, or how the sheets are handled?
I have....never heard of that second one. Like, every ability score, skill, saving throw, initiative, resting, tools, heals?
Jim W. said:
Bug :
I'll look into this, thanks!
Andrea L. said:
The (NON) pains of leveling up part 3: the Ranger
the level up of the ranger was surprisingly smooth
everything green aid was the only HP issue and review had 0 errors. nature vail was properly added to the sheet!
The pains of leveling up part 4: the Bard
a college of whispers bard
seems pretty good until you notice the subclass is empty and the dropdown list is somewhat lacking
exiting and checking everything is there so tried to go on
but species is empty
backgrounds too
BUT note the last 2 tabs on the bottom have mysteriously become green
everything else seems fine
(did not choose the 7th level spell for the already declared issues
Review gave some bad surprises
species has disappeared subclass too
hoping this is just a builder issue I save and exit.
sheet is OK so only builder visibility issues.
Annoying but playable...
it seems another minor visibility bug in the builder when using subclasses of 2014
This looks like it could be authorization issues. Sometimes, if your auth token expires mid-session, you start only seeing content you don't need authorization to own. I'm guessing that because I only see free options there. If this happens again, could you try logging out and back in before saving anything?
Giddy said:
It seems that the roll field in the "Action" menu does not account for integer modifiers or attributes. I'm trying to add an ability and it's roll is 1d8 + wisdom modifier. I tried typing in things like "1d8 + @wisdom_mod" and "1d8 + 4" and the roll does not account for that. I thought that the roll field only takes in one parameter but curiously inputting "1d8+1d4" rolls correctly.
Hm. This is concerning because this WAS a known bug, but the fix was put in 4 days before this post. Is this a delayed report and maybe this is fixed for you now? Or is it still not working as intended?
Andrea L. said:
The pains of leveling up part 5: the Fighter
one issue only
at 14th level added resilient
constitution save
but it added 2 points instead of 1 to constitution
it used to have 10 manually inserted
adding resilient brought him to 12
so lowered manually to 9 to reach the 11 but something is wrong there
I wonder if this is related to the ability score issues. Thanks, I'll take a look at this.