Deep in the Heart of the Sword Coast...
The City of Splendor is home to a thousand different mysteries, and a world’s worth of opportunity. No one individual could ever hope to grasp it all in their lifetime, yet there are those who certainly try. Such greed, or mere ambition to others, is a familiar state of mind for the usual suspects who tread Waterdeep’s winding streets and cobbled roads.
As the summer sun shimmers high in the clouds and warms the rolling harbor waves, so too do you wake in the midst of a burgeoning season opportunity.
Every seven years, the Lords and Ladies of Waterdeep's elite gather together for a spectacle unlike any other; the Blitz of Champions. Droves of adventurers--or those far more than down on their luck--flock to the Yawning Portal, and sign their names away for a season of trials and tribulations. The prize? Riches beyond dreams. Boons, favors, and hearts' desires presented to the winners on a silver, gilded platter. Each team, consisting of five to six potential Champions, are funded by a member of the Lords of Waterdeep--anonymous, and with their own desires to boot.
Some contact adventurers directly. Others, taking scrappy rag-tag groups who are cobbled together from the stragglers that start the Blitz with no formal team. With the Unmasked Lord having inaugurated the games the evening prior with fanfare, fireworks and spectacle, you, one of those aforementioned 'scrappy' few, spent the evening drinking your worries away, dreaming of the life you'd obtain as soon as you reached the final Blitz's chamber, and laid your eyes upon its hidden prize...
Now, the low evening sun rising high over your head, you had a tavern to get to; The Yawning Portal. This was your year, your time. Now, all you had to figure out was who in the Hells would be going with you into the belly of the beast itself...
Looking for 5 players on Tuesdays or Thursdays for a home-brewed version of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, and Dungeon of the Mad Mage combo. See below for details, and send me a DM if you want to party up.
[TIME] Tues. or Thurs. @5:00 CST | 4-5 hr sessions.
[SYSTEM] DnD 5.0, based on 2014 ruleset. Will pivot to 2024 ruleset if party has consensus.
[LEVELS] Levels 3-14 for this campaign.
[REQUIREMENTS] Half-Decent Mic, DnD Beyond account for character sheets (no purchases necessary), Discord.
[COST] This is a paid session, $15USD. I have access to nearly every DnD resource, and provide extensive prep, maps, custom items, and work tirelessly to make sure that each player has a complex place within the world they play in. Price can be negotiated if too high for a player's needs.
[AGES] 18+ ONLY!!!!
[HOW TO APPLY] Either respond below, or send me a DM with the following information:
- Your Preferred Name
- Character Concept based on the hook above, or an existing character you'd like to make work for the campaign (Not necessary! This can also be fleshed out once you join, some folks just have characters waiting to go.)
- Years playing
- What kind of table are you looking for? Combat heavy or RP heavy?
- Which day of the week are you applying for? [Tues. is Group 1], [Thurs. is Group 2].
[ABOUT ME] I am a DM with more than 7 years experience as a DM and a player, writing multiple home-brew modules who aims to make each campaign feel as if you were there, right in the action. I want everyone to have fun every time we sit down to play. I aim to cater each campaign to the specific needs of each party, whether the consensus ends up wanting an evil campaign, being a group of do-gooders, or if everyone wants a higher level of mystery and intrigue. Send me a DM if you have any questions.