Howdy, this is my first time creating a post like this, so apologies if it's a bit awkward or unpolished. You make call me Fae. A few friends of mine and I have been getting the itch to join a new campaign, but alas, don't have any DM's currently able to do one with. As of right now, there's four of us, and probably will stay the case (unless potential DM has a player friend that would be interested in joining, we just have a preference of keeping it small, especially not going past 5). Three of us are decently experienced, but the fourth has maybe done a one-shot or two, but just of TTRPG's in general as far as I'm aware, so you would have to be comfortable working with a new player. I don't think any of us are particularly picky about setting or modules; I know I love fantasy world, but am alright should the campaign lean toward something a bit more modern or less high fantasy. I have a couple characters in mind already, one of them would preferably be more of your typical D&D setting, but the other is flexible. (If you're interested in knowing about the character(s) I have in mind, I'd be happy to share! Especially to make sure that you're comfortable using the module that they are from, given they pull from a few of the non-standard PHB.) I personally am a fan of role-play and lean toward that, but I do enjoy fights/encounters. I know one of the other players really enjoys combat and encounters. So a balance of the two would probably be a bit preferred. If the DM is familiar and comfortable using the Beyond20 integration, that would be wonderful! We also typically use Discord as a means of meeting up and doing calls. Three out of four of the players are in GMT timezone, so that is important to keep in mind. Typically, we are free 6pm - 10pm GMT. Day of the week isn't as important, though I know one player in particular tends to be free on Sundays for sure. You must be LGBT+ friendly. You do not need to actively include LGBT+ themes or anything of the sort in your campaign, but you must be willing to be respectful of those who are LGBT+ and may even play a character that is. Half of us are LGBT+, and during these really hard times for the community, we're looking to keep a safe space as an escape from the harm being done around us, not for someone to further it during something that is supposed to fun and a way to unwind. You won't be policed, and no one will get upset with you should you slip up and accidentally use the wrong pronouns or misgender someone (so long as it is not being done on purpose or with malice). Just treat other humans with respect regardless of their sexuality, sex, or gender identity. It's not that hard. If you can correctly gender a player's character that does not have the same gender as them, then you should be able to attempt showing the same grace to a real person. Thank you and look forward to seeing any response! Small side note: I can do a bit of artwork for the campaign, like the character sheets, if that would help with the immersion.