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Ctrl + L faulty in GM mode

When I am logged in as GM and hit Ctrl +L to see what my players can see, I can see light emitted by monsters (what I use for darkvision) that "All players can see" is not checked. I added myself to control the character as a player and logged in as a player and they are seeing what they are supposed to. so the problem appears to be with Ctrl+L. I need to be able to accurately see what the character can without having to have a separate tab with me logged in as a player.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
The issue is that, as the GM, you implicitly have control over all tokens, so you get the extra light sources with Ctrl+L.
I thought the point of ctrl + L was to see what the token could see. This is what I need it to do, I don't see much point in it working as is. the information is flawed and ultimately unhelpful
Forum Champion
This is a known issue, I will add this thread to the bug report.
Thank you
I think you can always rejoin as a player, on a second browser tab, and watch the changes in real time. Seems to work fine for me when I need to make such comparisons. YMMV.
Forum Champion
This has been fixed.