Good list, Ken, and I will just give you some information about a few of the points. The information doesn't change your Suggestion at all. The OP was one of the inventors of Roll20, one of the original Dev Team, in fact one of the original 3 people who started Roll20. He was gone from the Dev Team for a while, and has been back for a year or longer. Journal Folders did not exist yet at the time of the OP. Journal Folders also did not exist at the time of the creation of the External Journal feature. That's why historically-speaking they are not included in External Journal. Of course I agree they should be included and I expect they will get included if/when Roll20 revisits this feature for an update. I also believe the OP's Suggestion would certainly include implementing folders. The ability to create and edit Handouts in the External Journal, I believe is the central intent of the OP for this feature when he said 'finish it'. That's the big one. Since they did it already with Characters (Journals), I think they should be able to do this with Handouts (Journals). Ken S. said: I've somehow managed to be using Roll20 for over four years without discovering there was an external Journal, but having found it, I'm underwhelmed. As the OP (who now works for Roll20) noted 9 years ago it's "unfinished",