Saevar L. said:
Then by this account all I suggest is an easier way to tag things. Typing out tags etc is a real choir in it self. If I had a way to mass-tag or drag and drop tags to make it quicker and easier, I would be happier with actually using the tag system more often.
You're talking about creating the relationships, I'm talking about traversing them. The creation process is fairly analogous. The difference is in traversal.
With Tags, you are picking from the vast sea of all your tags. Yes, you can directly type in whatever tag you want (if you remember it, if you have easy access to a keyboard, if you aren't holding something in your other hand, etc), or you can select if from a list of
every tag you've ever used, conveniently sorted by number of times used (lowest to highest???) and alphabetically.
With Folders, you are picking from a small set of your highest level concepts. It doesn't require remembering all your concepts, or even remembering your highest level concepts. It doesn't require parsing and discarding every possible relationship until you find the right one, you merely need to parse the concepts that are relevant to the current point in your traversal.
Folders also make it trivial to expose dependent relationships, for example: Dominic the Bold is an ally in some scenes, but an adversary in others. Folders also make it trivial to make a transient relationship, for example: just because Johann is infected with vampirism in this scene, doesn't mean I want to see him on a list of all vampires in the campaign. Folders also make it trivial to expose the relative importance of various relationships, and change that relationship across different folders, essentially across different desires, for example: in one scene it is very important that Clair is a psychic sensitive who will be targeted by the Intellect Devourer, in another the fact that she is an ally is more important.
I think both Tags and Folders have their place. We already have Tags, and the people who like Tags and structure their relationships in a manner that makes Tags an ideal categorization strategy are pretty happy with that. We don't have Folders yet, and those of us that like Folders and structure our relationships in a manner that makes Folders the ideal categorization strategy are pretty excited about the idea of having Folders.
Tags still have a place, we will still use Tags, there are some great things that can be done very well with Tags, we don't want to get rid of Tags, and we don't look down our noses at people that like Tags.
Just don't look down your noses at those of us that like Folders.