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Jukebox Layout, Multiple Playlists

October 07 (10 years ago)

Edited March 16 (10 years ago)
Marketplace Creator
The ability to add a Playlist/Menu name, Let's say, "Dungeon Combat", and have songs that you've added to that Playlist/Menu.
Then make that list collapsible if you have multiple playlists in your jukebox, Like,"Creepy Ambient" or "Exciting Reveal".

This could make the Jukebox organization so much better.

**Essentially, folders for the jukebox with modifications to the jukebox for playlists as well.
October 07 (10 years ago)
This gets my vote and I think it should get yours too.

Been tinkering with the jukebox for a campaign's worth of story and after coming back a week later, I realized I had no idea which sounds went where. Sure players won't know "Creepy Forest Ambiance 6" from "Creepy Forest Ambiance 8", but mid game it's easy to lose the mood if you have to dive back into the Jukebox to figure out which one was a stinger or a slow build up for the scene.

Ended up with a Horseman drinking the most dramatic martini imaginable to an epic orchestra score because of this.
October 08 (10 years ago)

Edited October 08 (10 years ago)
It should be made that tracks can be grouped into playlists to ease the organisation. Then it should be possible to play the tracks in a playlist so that the next track in the list plays after one ends. Though it should still be possible to set the playback mode into a single playthrough or repeat. Then make it work well with search so that singular tracks as well playlist titles are found.

Maybe allow importing playlists from Soundcloud if that's possible.
October 09 (10 years ago)
Resource Management in Roll20 is a pain.
My solution is for this has been a more specific naming scheme. Instead of having "Creepy Forest Ambiance 6" or "Creepy Forest Ambiance 8" why not go with "Scene: Penthar Forest Creepy" and "Scene: The Hallowed Woods Creepy." (Or whatever the name of are where the scene is set.) That way you know where you are and can play what you need.

I have a prefix for several different types of my music. Background for super generic things like "Background: Storm (no thunder)" and "Background: Forest at night." I have my generic Combat 1, Combat 2, Combat 3, which I add to when I find music and rotate using for the less important encounters. "Boss: Xanesha" or "Boss: Nualia" is for my big epic fights. I use Scene: for getting the right feel of what the scene I'm trying to create. I use Theme as well but it's mostly things like generic overland travel or if the party is in their hometown I play their theme music. My bard went with a crazy instrument, the shamisen, and I was excited I was able to find plenty of awesome shamisen music to play every once and while when he performs.

While there isn't anything wrong with your suggestion, and I do like it, there are ways to organize the music until it gets better.
October 10 (10 years ago)
Marketplace Creator
I'm not doubting there are ways to organize the music until it gets better. That's not even how I organize mine, but rather an example.
Which is why I put in this suggestion. Hopefully it'll catch an eye and something can be done about it.

October 13 (10 years ago)
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
Being able to group music into playlists and then being able to collapse that group so it occupies a single entry in the pane would be great. As I add more stuff to my jukebox, I find myself scrolling way too much trying to find specific tracks. Being able to 'play playlist' and 'loop playlist' would be nice added benefits.
November 04 (10 years ago)

Edited November 04 (10 years ago)
Forum Champion

Larry K. said:

I have a prefix for several different types of my music. Background for super generic things like "Background: Storm (no thunder)" and "Background: Forest at night."
That doesn't work with all the 1000's of free sounds that are already in Soundcloud, that you find through the sound search in Roll20. Because you can't rename a soundcloud that was uploaded by someone else. (Right? Based on what I have seen using this.)

Your suggestion only works for sounds that you own the rights to, which you upload to your own Soundcloud outside of Roll20, and then find again through the Roll20 Soundcloud search to import to your game.
November 04 (10 years ago)
Sheet Author

That doesn't work with all the 1000's of free sounds that are already in Soundcloud, that you find through the sound search in Roll20. Because you can't rename a soundcloud that was uploaded by someone else. (Right? Based on what I have seen using this.)

AFAIK you can rename the songs from soundcloud in your campaign to whatever you like. It's one way of organizing your sounds.

November 17 (10 years ago)
Forum Champion

Vince said:

That doesn't work with all the 1000's of free sounds that are already in Soundcloud, that you find through the sound search in Roll20. Because you can't rename a soundcloud that was uploaded by someone else. (Right? Based on what I have seen using this.)

AFAIK you can rename the songs from soundcloud in your campaign to whatever you like. It's one way of organizing your sounds.

Holy smokes, you're right. Don't know how long that feature has existed. I've wanted that for 6 months and never noticed you could rename sound-titles like that in the Jukebox. (Just mouse over the title til it turns yellow, then click in it to edit the title text, in Jukebox as GM).

Thanks for pointing that out Vince.

Well, one of my earlier upvote suggestions has made it to Completed status, so I've got a +1 now to add on this thread in support of Playlists.

In the meantime I'm much better off now that I can edit my Jukebox titles to put them in alphabetical order like
Forest 01
Forest 02
Bar fight 01
Bar fight 02

Looks like I've got some renaming work ahead of me, with dozens if not hundreds of sound effects already stashed in my jukebox with clumsy original titles.
November 17 (10 years ago)
Sheet Author
Holy smokes, you're right.
Now if I can just convince my wife and kids of that...

I still would like a tag system for the sounds though.
December 01 (10 years ago)
Know what would be nice, being able to save your lists between campaigns. I would love to have generic lists for my campaigns.
December 04 (10 years ago)

Edited December 04 (10 years ago)
Forum Champion

Doom said:

Know what would be nice, being able to save your lists between campaigns. I would love to have generic lists for my campaigns.

Doom, I have identified another Suggestion thread that asks exactly what you just said. You might want to add your Comment and your +1 vote on this other thread too,

The suggestion is called "Jukebox Vault" and the idea is exactly what you said, ability to transfer your saved sounds from one of your campaigns, to another of your campaigns.

I am presently identifying and differentiating all the Suggestions that are related to Sounds and Jukebox in Roll20 so that we can all come together and vote-up the suggestions that appeal the most to each of us. Take a look:

Thread indexing all the Sound-related suggestions that I could find,
December 18 (10 years ago)

Edited December 18 (10 years ago)
This is how I'd see the organization working, basically the same as the OP, but a little more granular.

Master List (what we have currently and where all assets are sourced from still)

Custom Lists
  • Dungeon - <Assigned to Campaign> <Assigned to Page <pageName>>
  • Water - Assigned to Campaign
  • Footsteps - Assigned to Page Campaign
  • CreepyDungeon - Assigned to CreepyDungeon
  • etc...
Being able to assign multiple lists to a campaign or page (CreepyDungeon in my example above), you'd then have everything "ready" to go and much easier to find, with of course the ability to do a quick look up as you can now and throw the sound out there from the master list (if something happens you didn't prepare for, etc)
January 05 (10 years ago)
I agree. A way to manage the Jukebox more efficiently for sound design would be great! I plan all my encounters and episodes ahead in advance. It would be great to have playlists or at least folders to organize tracks associated with different encounters, areas, or scenarios.

Jukebox per page is a great idea, however you can upload your hearts desires to soundcloud, If you can't find what you want.
I just got on here to suggest the jukebox per page thing. More specifically assigning certain item to automatically play when an assigned page is brought up. That would make turning on specific playlists automatic for whatever page your on. That would be nice.
February 28 (10 years ago)
Folders or Pages to sort Jukebox things would be great. Less scrolling down to find the song you're looking for, more listening. Just open the Page/Folder to find the particular music for a given scene/encounter/whatever and play it. It would reduce the time to find a given song so you can get on with the action faster.
March 01 (10 years ago)
Roll20 Production Team
Having a looped playlist would be awesome. I spend too much time juggling tracks in trying to keep the music unmonotonous.
I think a neat way to addition onto this section is to allow for folders, much like how the character information got organized recently. That would make playlisting a lot easier.
Soundcloud already allows you to upload playlists. You just have to upload a bunch of songs at once and it makes a playlist. Then to find your stuff, go into Add Music, go to All Music, and type in your account name. I don't know if this will work with uploaded playlists, and I have to warn you that some uploads may be removed due to copyright stuff, but it should help. And I agree with James V. Folders. We need more.
March 11 (10 years ago)

Edited March 11 (10 years ago)
However, if you're doing that, you might end up running into problems, since not every campaign will have so and so music/sfx in whatever playlist. It might be more worthwhile to create playlists in the campaign itself, while being able to import playlists from Soundcloud if you want to have a generic playlist of some sort to carry with you to other campaigns that it's your turn to GM in. Like your favorite set of ambiances (which will more or less grow bigger the more you play) because for a given you're not likely going to be able to remember THOSE lists completely as you hop from board-to-board. This would also allow you to update set selection among all your boards you're GM in. This may be excessively useful to the people that play lots of campaigns or pretty much hobby it in their free time.
March 12 (10 years ago)

Edited March 12 (10 years ago)
Compendium Curator
+1 for organizing jukebox. I just want searchable tags and folders, like character and handout resources, at least. I would also like to be able to see a list of currently playing tracks as the GM, like players get, with an option to pause them. "N p" doesn't seem to work.
March 14 (10 years ago)
Has anyone pointed out that it would be nice if there were a STOP at the end of audio tracks, so you don't have to pause them to keep them from starting up again whenever you play another track? For tracks that are meant to play through, stop, and not resume until clicked again, this would be very helpful. Also, +1 (or possibly +100, if I could) to folders for the Jukebox. Yes, yes, yes, and please, please, please!
This would be amazing. +1
March 21 (10 years ago)
Sheet Author

Dave said:

Has anyone pointed out that it would be nice if there were a STOP at the end of audio tracks, so you don't have to pause them to keep them from starting up again whenever you play another track? For tracks that are meant to play through, stop, and not resume until clicked again, this would be very helpful. Also, +1 (or possibly +100, if I could) to folders for the Jukebox. Yes, yes, yes, and please, please, please!

You could uncheck the repeat box for that effect.
March 21 (10 years ago)
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
Actually, no, Samuel T.; unchecking repeat simply keeps it from looping. If you start a new audio track, the previously played effect does another run-through. This effect can be useful if you're setting up a layered sound experience, but it still catches many a GM unaware the first few times.
March 22 (10 years ago)
I'm currently trying to find a good streaming service I can link to where I can DJ the music that plays during games. Combined with this post suggesting new services for the Jukebox (upvote this, obviously), Roll20's Jukebox could serve that need. The GM in a live session could crank up his phone's speakers, for example, and use Roll20's Jukebox to DJ the session. Someone could use the API to make it so when the initiative tracker is brought up, the combat playlist starts playing on shuffle.

Music's how a lot of GM's set the mood, so we do need a better tool for playing that music online.
March 23 (10 years ago)
+1 for at least extending the new folder mechanic released in the Update of Holding into the jukebox.
March 26 (10 years ago)
+1, that would be great. I use so many sounds a folder system would be super useful.
March 26 (10 years ago)
I agree with this suggestion wholeheartedly. Half the time my group turns their sound off due to the fact that the songs loop over again instead of moving on to another, and its certainly not feasible to swap over and change the song manually every 2-3 minutes.
May 11 (9 years ago)
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
Count me in on a vote for BOTH folders and playlist in the jukebox.

Also a folder for maps/dropdowns would be another great addition.

and while im at it the ability to transfer entire folders throughout the transmognifier would be great. For music, maps, and sheets. I have over 300 NPC/Monster sheets in a "Vault campaign I have put a ton of time into. To individually search and drag all of these is a pain and time consuming. I hope this idea is cons
May 14 (9 years ago)
I was just about to post a topic recommending this. I agree.
May 14 (9 years ago)
+1 vote for both folders and a playlist in the jukebox. The current scenario is quite frustrating and I am looking for viable alternatives.
+1 definitely needed
May 16 (9 years ago)
+1 Lists and Folders thank you!

Being able to group the tracks accordingly so that you can easily use them (like if you use multiple tracks at once, or need to activate one timely) is something the jukebox definitely needs!
+100 for folders in jukebox at the very least.
It would be really nice if we could have youtube integration too, like boardgame online uses for its music :U
lots of stuff is copyrighted on soundcloud but officially available on youtube which is quite annoying
June 01 (9 years ago)
Forum Champion

Ryan H. said:

It would be really nice if we could have youtube integration too, like boardgame online uses for its music :U
lots of stuff is copyrighted on soundcloud but officially available on youtube which is quite annoying

Your comment is welcome here, but there is also another Suggestion thread for that, so please take a look and add your comments and +1 vote there too if you agree.

Alternatives To Soundcloud and Additions to the Jukebox,
June 05 (9 years ago)
Nathalie Ö.
Just officially pitching in my support for this. I could really use something like this for my sanity's sake.
It would be so useful to have this in a campaign, walking along all calm like, BANG combat music or some other scene change so it wouldn't require so long to change and break some of the imersion.
June 11 (9 years ago)
I am not sure if it has been said before, but the following option would be really REALLY useful!

Suggestion (Option): When a current track is ongoing - Starting a new track immediately stops the other, this for a smoother transfer to ambience music > Combat, otherway around and so forth.
Yes please! The update that allowed use to organize the journal into subfolders was incredibly useful. I wish it was implemented for the jukebox, as I have over 100 entries that need to be organized better. I spend a siginificant amount of time in game and out trying to organize and find my music and sound effects.
At the most basic, anything that would allow us to play a track once without having to hit stop after we're done would be nice--as it is, unless you tell it stop when a track finishes, it auto-plays again any time you activate another track. That's just non-functional level annoying.
I would love to be able to pop out the jukebox to put it on a second monitor or let my players have their own sounds to play during their turn.
July 02 (9 years ago)

Edited July 02 (9 years ago)
Forum Champion

Dave said:

At the most basic, anything that would allow us to play a track once without having to hit stop after we're done would be nice--as it is, unless you tell it stop when a track finishes, it auto-plays again any time you activate another track. That's just non-functional level annoying.

Uncheck the checked box that says "Loop" beside the track. Unchecking that should make the track play only once.

Wiki Documentation,

Note: If the track is auto-playing again when you start another track, and you have Loop unchecked, that sounds like a possible Bug. If it is a Bug or Technical Issue please feel free to make a post about this in the Bugs sub-forum, for finding a solution or to help bring it to the attention of the site Devs.
I have had this issue in all of my campaigns, Gold, and have posted and commented on other posts about it not going back to "play" position. I gave up trying. I just dont used the jukebox accept for personal use while designing pages. Too annoying when you are trying to just play a sound rwal quick and get back to the game.
July 07 (9 years ago)

Edited July 07 (9 years ago)
Forum Champion
Old School Chris, what you're talking about sounds like a Bug not a Suggestion. Here is a recent Bug report thread that may be related. Take a look. If this appears to be the same issue you're talking about, note the Dev Team member Ryan said the devs are aware of this issue and they are working on it.

Link to the recent Bug Report thread,

If you're aware of a different issue, please post it under Bugs & Technical Issues subforum.
July 17 (9 years ago)
Simon O.
This would be so nice. Music adds so much for the game, but as a DM you got a lot on your hands already. The Soundcloud gets so cluttered in longer campaigns with multiple scenes.
Please add this o,o
Folders + Music