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Enhanced Card Deck Features

Score + 229
Anthony N. said: I must say, the Decks feature is barely MVP (Minimum Viable Product).  The use cases it supports are extremely limited and narrow. I'm currently messing around with using rollable table tokens as a 'card'.  Have front/back graphics set as items in the table  Using the graphical order as a deck order (limited, but maybe usable), adding macros with token-mod for Top/Bottom/Flip/Tap/Untap ease of use.  Looking at some 'shuffle' threads now that would shuffle the token order in the 'deck'.  Draw/Deal will be a simple ownership change from 'Dealer' character that owns the 'card' tokens and maybe a token-mod position move to a 'player area' on my map image of a desktop.  I may even figure out a 'counter' type system where you can add counter images as pips on a 'card' token and reset them using TokenSync.  With all that being said - I'd love to see a refresher on the built in decks.
Maybe this isn't the right thread for this because These aren't super advanced features but a couple of suggestions: 1. Currently, Cards 'in hand' display 2 at a time, forcing you to scroll vertically through your hand.  Getting Cards 'in hand' to display horizontally would be so much more useful and intuitive. There's also more room on a monitor to lay cards out horizontally.  I like that it's attached to a player avatar, but it'd be nice to be able to manage how the cards are displayed.  Multiple decks could still be stacked vertically in your hand if you wanted them sorted. Deck 1  [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Deck 2 [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] _______ |Player  |  |Avatar  | ----------- 2.  When you trade cards, you can't mouse-over or 'click' on the incoming cards you're trading to blow them up and see them clearer.  

Edited 1587186996
Honestly, I think at this point we should just make a "Roll20 Enhanced" set of user scripts or browser addon, and just add the capabilities ourselves. Did this in a couple of hours, most of it was figuring out the APIs and Data objects available. Also my JS is rusty, so its very basic stuff, and can be prettier/better done. I have decks numbering in 100s of cards. THey are also randomly ordered and shuffled. But here are 2 videos of whats possible: Adding name tags to the Choose option for decks: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Modified version of the Deck Creator by feoff3, I added parsing of your library and importing from a folder for cleaner and more precise imports: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Things that are possible: - Add a text box with the ability to filter/search cards in the choose window. - Add similar name tags for Hands, and board cards. - Adjust UI for better visibility. SImilar to the previous post, you can extend the hand horizontally. - Add hover preview of cards instead of having to click on them for faster searching/reading. - Anything UI related really - Anything dealing with data available in the UI. including Library, Assets, Decks, Macros, etc. Everything can be created/automated through there.
Here's my vote for enhancing the decks. Specific enhancements I would love to see include: The ability to sort decks. I use decks for distributing treasure to the party, and it would be nice to get the cards back to their initial order. The ability to easily add/remove cards temporarily from a deck. Again, with treasure cards, it would be nice to be able to add more valuable treasure cards when the user gets to a particular level. Card stacks/piles. The ability to play cards on top of other cards and move the stack as a whole.
Definitely need to enhance decks.&nbsp; I'm trying to be creative but making a hundred decks of nearly the same thing is ridiculous and time consuming.&nbsp; I just need to be able to create full decks where I can select the cards I want to use for the moment and the ability to create piles (sub-decks) from a main deck.&nbsp; That shouldn't be too much to ask for and it seems like a lot of people have been asking for it for the last few years here. Enhanced decks gets my vote.&nbsp;

Edited 1593066087
KS Backer
I'd like to add my support for this as well. I'm currently testing a card based rpg called Project: Dark, and while it can be played, it's really clunky. Other suggestion threads about cards (the last one is by me): <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Andrew C
Marketplace Creator
Rain said: I'd like to add my support for this as well. I'm currently testing a card based rpg called Project: Dark, and while it can be played, it's really clunky. Other suggestion threads about cards (the last one is by me): <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I designed two RPGs that use cards. One with a Tarot Deck (and a hand of 5 cards) and the other using Mahjong Tiles/Cards (small hand for this). But once you've made a Mahjong tile/card set, you'd be nuts not to try release it on its own... and a 13-14 card hand is a nightmare under the current setup.
I didn't see this above, but another feature would be able to turn certain cards off or on from inclusion in the shuffle/deal. &nbsp;Some games require you to wait to shuffle certain cards in until after a set number of rounds.
Forum Champion
Typing I want to be able to Type on Cards. I don't want to make a picture of a Sword +1 on my computer and upload it, or buy a picture of a sword on the marketplace. I just want to make a card that says "Sword +1" and later I can change it to say "Awesome Silver Long Sword +1" if there's a reason to change it. Permissions toggle would allow / disallow Players from editing the text.
I'd like to combine this as well: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Would love to be able to make the "Choose a Card" popup into a separate window and people able to zoom, those cards are so tiny!
Forum Champion
Roll20 has made the first upgrade to Card Decks in years. Post there and let them know what you need from Card Decks &amp; whether the current work they're doing is addressing the Suggestion adequately. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> It seems to me that Card Decks could be developed quite a bit more, hopefully this is the first step towards it.
Some games require the mechanic of each player building their deck from other decks or cards on the table. Each player needs a deck pile they can draw from to their hand and discard pile and the ability to reshuffle their discard pile. Merging decks together (sometimes you need a deck made up of two or more decks). One can duplicate a deck but not combine them together. There is no ability to duplicate cards in a deck (only delete them). Some games need to be able to stack the deck. An example would be dealing the deck into three piles, put a special card at the bottom of each, shuffle two of the piles and place them under the unshuffled pile. Or something like that.

Edited 1611809626
I agree with the above. It would also be nice to be able to look at the top cards of a deck and put them back in the same or different order (or even put some back at the bottom, and others shuffled back in). Frankly, right now, the deck feature in Roll20 is like a bathroom without a toilet. Sure you can use the sink... uhum. The toilet is not an enhancement like this is not about having an enhanced deck feature. This is about having a fully functional deck feature.&nbsp;
I would also love to be able to duplicate cards in a deck. For games like Pinochle or Euchre this is a requirement, but also for some games that are played with double or triple decks.
I'd like it to be possible to add individual cards from one deck to another deck.&nbsp; For example, a character has one deck representing actions, the other players have bullet cards he accumulates each time he's shot. At the table, bullet cards are added into his action card deck, making it harder (the more he is shot) to draw useful cards.&nbsp; So on Roll20, it would have to be possible to add cards from one deck to another.
The ability to choose separate decks and combine them, and/or pull cards from different decks and combine them into new decks would be amazing…
+1 Would love all of these recommendations (or any of them), but don't get your hopes up friends. People have been asking for similar card functions in threads for close to a decade now and the only update Roll20 has done on decks did not address any of the most common requests. (As far as I can tell from their forum-- I just upvoted another thread asking for much the same thing and that one's been around since at least 2014).&nbsp; As Yulian mentioned above the lack of features don't seem to be from programming complexity (since most of them can be done in a bookmarklet).&nbsp;
Another feature that should be added: GMs should be able to see the hands of their players even when said players are not connected to the game.
A lot of ttrpgs that used card-based mechanics are difficult to implement effectively in roll20. As well, better deck management resources would allow for expanding board game play into roll20. Some deck management features I'd really love to see as options within roll20 : Place-able decks. Much like how you can place token of a roll-able table of images onto a page the ability place an instance of a deck onto a specific page rather than it just being confined to the scroll-able decks sidebar. Having then the option to draw and play cards on that page. Maybe with an option to turn off drawing cards into player hands or have an option to have cards drawn from it persist over multiple pages or just when the players are on that page. Drag-and-drop cards to character sheets. In a similar way to how you can drag some compendium items and what not on to character sheets, an ability to draw cards to sheets and from sheets to place/play on pages. Better hand options.&nbsp; More refined option for passing cards or entire hands, showing cards in your hands to others, being able to draw/take random cards. Being able to easily discard entire hands or draw up to a certain amount of cards from a deck into your hand. Improved deck functionality. More deck specific controls. Being able to restrict them to certain players or have them viewable by certain players. Being able to set decks as 'token piles' or the like where when they are played it shows a brief animation or the like then they automatically go to the discard pile or back into the deck. The ability to look at the top or bottom card in a deck. The ability to place cards into position in a deck, like the 3rd card down, etc.
+1 to in-app custom card text! I just bought the Fiasco module on here,&nbsp; specifically because &nbsp;it comes with blank card assets. But what good are those if I can't add text to them and make my own custom playsets?! The whole point is to have a deck I can shuffle and deal so we can collaborate on our story's details. It's a ridiculous pain to drop blank cards and add floating text over them every time. I understand Roll20 probably prefers I buy the pre-made playset decks in the marketplace, but restricting customizability like this goes against the spirit of this game. And unfortunately, this silly oversight/restriction makes me think I might as well refund my module and just resort to a basic video chat with a whiteboard tool for my games...
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Zac said: +1 to in-app custom card text! I just bought the Fiasco module on here,&nbsp; specifically because &nbsp;it comes with blank card assets. But what good are those if I can't add text to them and make my own custom playsets?! The whole point is to have a deck I can shuffle and deal so we can collaborate on our story's details. It's a ridiculous pain to drop blank cards and add floating text over them every time. I understand Roll20 probably prefers I buy the pre-made playset decks in the marketplace, but restricting customizability like this goes against the spirit of this game. And unfortunately, this silly oversight/restriction makes me think I might as well refund my module and just resort to a basic video chat with a whiteboard tool for my games... As of late last year, cards in decks now support custom tooltip text. That might work for a lot of customization needs.
Bill H. said: I'd like to see for each "deck" the following groupings: Draw deck Discard Pile Hand In-play At least 1 virtual "Pile" (displays number of cards in it) with the ability to move an individual card from any to any of the above. with the following options for each (ideally enabled on a per-deck basis): Draw a random card from it Draw the "next" card from it Select a specific card from it And the following options for any card in play: Flip face-up or down "Tap" (indicate "used" via rotation, gray-shade, or icon) Hold (remain in play when the rest are discarded) We have draw deck, hands, in-play and discards now, but each behaves differently with regard to drawing and discarding. It would be much more useful if they were all types of card groups with similar operations available and configurable visibility (e.g., are discards viewable by player? all?, etc.). Edit: it would be convenient if, once we create a card, we could then indicate the number of copies to add to the deck. Also, the ability to delete a deck (can't find the option currently). this. +1
+1 Bump
+1 for being able to sort decks. (we play a game that uses about 40 different decks, and it's very hard to find the one I need)
+1 bump to have cards persist between sessions.&nbsp; I was hoping to be able to give them to my players to hold on to
I had posted in the bug reports forum about card deck window size issues , and I have some additional requests: card sorting would be nice for DM-controlled decks such as the Tarokka deck in Curse of Strahd I'm not sure how "show card tooltips" is supposed to work. I have that switched on, but the "Choose" deck just shows a "Drag to deal" tooltip instead of the card name. being able to get a larger view of the cards in the Choose view would be nice, especially if there aren't any tooltips identifying the cards.

Edited 1716434804
Coming in here from another thread where I asked to be able to recall a single, specific played card to the deck. I am in support of everyone's more complete suggestions about how to improve the playing cards feature. It really does need work, with how many newer indie systems are starting to adopt cards for mechanics.
The card decks are one of the most useful tools Roll20 marketplace has to offer. But when you buy too many it covers up too much space and I can't access my pages. I'm in support of any kind of overhaul for this feature.