Anthony N. said: I must say, the Decks feature is barely MVP (Minimum Viable Product). The use cases it supports are extremely limited and narrow. I'm currently messing around with using rollable table tokens as a 'card'. Have front/back graphics set as items in the table Using the graphical order as a deck order (limited, but maybe usable), adding macros with token-mod for Top/Bottom/Flip/Tap/Untap ease of use. Looking at some 'shuffle' threads now that would shuffle the token order in the 'deck'. Draw/Deal will be a simple ownership change from 'Dealer' character that owns the 'card' tokens and maybe a token-mod position move to a 'player area' on my map image of a desktop. I may even figure out a 'counter' type system where you can add counter images as pips on a 'card' token and reset them using TokenSync. With all that being said - I'd love to see a refresher on the built in decks.