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Token Bar: Sortable

Allow the buttons on the token bar to be sorted the same way the macro bar is.
Forum Champion
I am not sure I understand your suggestion. The Token Action bar can already be sorted into the order you want them to be. Could you elaborate?
Gauss, I could use the secret on sorting the Token Action bar, as well. Sorting the Macro Bar is extremely easy, because of the handles that appear which let you just drag and drop them where you want. The Token Action bar offers no such handles - which would be really handy. I've tried various ways in the distant past to sort the Token Action bar without success, but perhaps it's been improved since. What's best practices on sorting the Token Action Bar? Cheers
Yes, adding the handles as the macro bar does.

Edited 1412774574
Forum Champion
seanpp , to sort the token action bar go into your character sheet and set the Abilities in the desired order. Deselect your token and reselect it and it should have the new order. Paladintodd , thanks for the clarification. I didn't realize you were referencing the macro bar button handles.
Nope, that doesn't cover it. I'll try to be more clear - Our game has several macros created by the GM that are Show As Token Action - buttons for ability scores (Agility, Str), buttons for saving throws, and buttons for some skills (Notice, Stealth). (Aside: In the My Settings, there is no way to sort those. That would be nice, but not really what I'm talking about. Alphabetical would be a big improvement, being able to sort them would be even better). Those Token Action buttons show up on the token bar in alphabetically order - which is nice, but maybe not what I want. Maybe I want the ability scores to be together, and then the saving throws, and then the skill checks. Maybe I Stealth all the time and I want that button first. Handles to sort those buttons is what I'm talking about. Additionally, there is a bug that has been mentioned many times - If I go into the character sheet and add an Ability and click the Show as Token Action, the Token Bar loses all of it's sorting at that point. The token actions coming from macros are no longer sorted and the token actions coming from the character are all interspersed.

Edited 1412896038
Sheet Author
Paladintodd said: Additionally, there is a bug that has been mentioned many times - If I go into the character sheet and add an Ability and click the Show as Token Action, the Token Bar loses all of it's sorting at that point. The token actions coming from macros are no longer sorted and the token actions coming from the character are all interspersed. Yes! This is a major pain. Token bar needs some love. Sortable, draggable, color coded, and dare I say "menuized". I want macro bars that I can organize by menus.
Forum Champion
The Token Actions bug is a known bug. What is happening there is that Token Actions were designed from an Ability point of view. Macros are causing problems with that. In the meantime I suggest not using Macros as Token Actions. That way your Abilities organization will be maintained.
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
Paladintodd said: Additionally, there is a bug that has been mentioned many times - If I go into the character sheet and add an Ability and click the Show as Token Action, the Token Bar loses all of it's sorting at that point. The token actions coming from macros are no longer sorted and the token actions coming from the character are all interspersed. I have a fix for the symptoms of that bug: Go to the journal, find one of the mis-sorted abilities, and move it up/down one spot and then back. That tends to kick everything back into shape. I don't know how this works when you have macros as token actions, however.
Forum Champion
GenKitty , Macros as Token Actions cause the Abilities listed in the Token Actions to go out of order. It is a known issue and there is a bug report on it.

Edited 1413052058
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
My comment has nothing to do with Macros as Token Actions. This is a separate bug entirely for abilities-as-token-actions. If you have a list of abilities, some checkbox'd to show as token actions, and then something further down the list gets newly checkbox'd, it is prone to show up as the leftmost token-action. The two ways to fix the symptom are to uncheck all checkboxes for Show as Token Action and then recheck the ones you want, or go to the mis-sorted ability and move it up/down one place and back again -- that will kick it back to the proper place in the lineup.
Marketplace Creator
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