Save time. The 'template' (I've set up the grass for a quadrant of the village, I want to make the 4 quadrants of the village on the same template). The REPLAY is extremely important --- set up a battle ground, COPY it before letting players trash / flame / scribble / deconstruct. Think of chess or checkers here too, RESET the table to the starting status (and still preserve the remnants of the old page, if you wish). Not so much backup, of course, there are already other reasonable methods for backup such as duplicating the game. The cool thing about Roll20's model of being a system-agnostic tabletop and just giving us the tools we would have at a real tabletop, there may be many other reasons & ideas why people would want this, or find ways to use this. Probably whole games built for the Marketplace would become possible to create from the ease-of-page-creation that this will afford. So in this case basically an old-school Xerox machine* is sitting by our tabletop and we can make a complete copy of our own page in our own game, for any reason, whenever we like. * could be copying machine or, Camera-and-printer. Overhead projector. Tic-Tac-Toe book with lots of blank pages. Hangman game that you can quickly redraw and start again. Chess or Checkers tournament where you see a room full of 20 copies of the same board set-up and each will play-out differently at the same time in the same gaming event. DnD cool puzzle you set up (like the Laser puzzles in the marketplace), which you might want to rearrange the details/solution repeatedly from the same basic background and tokens with all their settings. just a few examples I'm sure there are so many more ways to use a copy but a lot would fit under Replay, Reset, Template. Kenton said: When you go to duplicate a page, what is your end goal? Are you backing up the creation work? Are you setting a "reversion point?" Are you revisiting the adventure? Do you set up "template" pages that you want to copy and edit for smaller changes? Is it something else entirely?