Welcome to Roll20! These forums are available as a helpful and friendly place to discuss the Roll20 program, answer questions, and provide assistance to the community. In order to ensure Roll20 remains a welcoming environment for everyone, we ask that all participants treat others with respect, courtesy, and civility. At Roll20, everyone is welcome at the table.

The policies below provide guidelines of what is expected from all community members using public areas of Roll20. Note that these rules are not comprehensive and do not address all manner of offensive behavior. As such, moderators shall investigate any behavior reported or deemed inappropriate.

Intended Use

The Roll20 Forums exist to discuss topics directly relating to the Roll20 program and systems. Anything that could more fittingly be discussed on another site should be discussed there.

Infringement of this section is subject to moderation action as outlined by the Moderation Policy.

Moderation Policy

The Roll20 Code of Conduct serves to foster a helpful and friendly environment for the community. However, when violations occur, our moderation team will investigate all parties involved on a case-by-case basis. The following outlines moderation actions that may be taken on Roll20:

  • A public and/or private warning may be issued
  • The post(s)/thread(s) may be closed or removed
  • A suspension may be placed on the account ranging from a day to a year
  • A permanent ban may be placed on the account

Above provides the typical course of action from first offense to multiple offenses. However, action taken may be more lenient or severe depending on the seriousness of the violation and user history.

What is a suspension or ban?

A suspension is a temporary restriction from the public areas of Roll20. A ban is a permanent restriction from the public areas of Roll20. This does not prevent access to one's games, game forums, uploaded or purchased material, or viewership of the Roll20 site.

A suspended or banned user will be prohibited from participating in the following activities for the duration of the suspension or ban:

  • Post a new thread or reply to any existing threads on the public forums
  • Participate in the Looking For Group system
  • Send private messages

Any attempt to circumvent a ban by posting on another account or having an external party post on one's behalf, will result in all involved being subject to a suspension or ban.

Breaching the Terms of Service

Roll20's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy applies to all areas of the site. A breach of these terms will be subject to the penalties outlined in the Terms of Service.

Questions and Appeals

If you have questions or intend to appeal moderation action that has occurred, please fill out and submit through our web form. Be sure to include any relevant information (URLs, screenshots, etc.). We will reply to your questions (barring information which may infringe on the privacy of another user) as soon as we can.

Discrimination and Harassment

Roll20 holds a zero-tolerance policy regarding discrimination and harassment. Bullying, discrimination, or harassment of any user or group (either in clear or coded language, or through links or images) is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

Infringement of this section is subject to moderation action as outlined by the Moderation Policy.

General Guidelines

Discussions on Roll20 should always maintain a tone of respect and civility. To promote a welcoming environment for everyone, we ask that you refrain from:

  • Personal attacks or name calling
  • Passing judgment (be it on issues ranging from gameplay to lifestyles)
  • Inflammatory or abusive language (e.g. communication with the intent of provoking others)
  • Posting sexually explicit or extremely violent content
  • Distribution of someone's personal information
  • Engaging in or encouraging illegal activities (examples including, but not limited to: piracy, phishing, fraud, etc.)
  • Trolling, overt or passive aggression, spam
  • Abuse of the Report function
  • Violating area specific guidelines

Infringement of this section is subject to moderation action as outlined by the Moderation Policy.

Area Specific Guidelines

The following links redirect to supplemental guidelines for various areas of Roll20:

*Only available to Pro subscribers.

Advertising and Sales

We ask that users refrain from posting links, promoting, fundraising, or soliciting outside advertising or sales. If you have additional questions or believe your post to have a strong interest to the community, please fill out and submit through our web form.

Infringement of this section is subject to moderation action as outlined by the Moderation Policy.

Official Sources and Backseat Moderation

The only official sources of information regarding Roll20 comes directly from those marked as members of the Roll20 Team and the Mod Team. Attempting to impersonate the Roll20 Team or Moderators is prohibited.

Additionally, the Roll20 Team and the Mod Team are the only entities which should be performing moderating duties. If you believe a user is violating the Code of Conduct or Terms of Service, please refrain from replying and take advantage of the Report feature so that our moderation team can handle the situation-- do not try to take the matter into your own hands.

Infringement of this section is subject to moderation action as outlined by the Moderation Policy.

Discussion of Moderator Actions

We ask that users refrain from the following:

  • Creating posts or threads intended to discuss or debate moderation action against a user or group
  • Publicly fighting against or disregarding public moderation statements
  • Posting chat logs, emails, or private messages

If you have questions regarding moderation action, please fill out and submit through our web form and we will reply to your questions (barring information which may infringe on the privacy of another user) as soon as we can.

Infringement of this section is subject to moderation action as outlined by the Moderation Policy.

The spirit of this Code of Conduct strives to keep Roll20 a friendly and open place for everyone. In your time using the site you are certain to find many people with different experiences and beliefs than yours. We ask that you respect everyone you encounter and always consider the impact of your actions on others.

Thank you for reading, and happy rolling!

Last Updated, July 26th, 2024 [1]