On a closer reading, I don't think Adam's response applies to what Ikarus was suggesting. It's an interesting reply and not incorrect, but it does not resolve the Suggestion.
To clarify and parse the thread --- Ikarus' suggestion is asking for the ability to transfer your Jukebox selections from 1 campaign, to another campaign. He's not asking to upload sounds, but rather to re-use sounds he's already selected in 1 campaign, without needing to re-find the sound in Soundcloud. Since he's already got the sound bookmarked in 1 campaign, it would be nice to easily use that same sound in a different campaign. Hence the Suggestion for a "Vault" feature for the Jukebox. Sounds like a good idea.
I am presently identifying and differentiating all the Suggestion posts related to Sounds, Soundcloud, Jukebox. This particular Suggestion is related to the others, but also unique and stands on its own.
2 threads related to organization of your collected sounds within the existing Jukebox feature.
Jukebox layout, Multiple playlists (Score +72 so far) This mainly regards organization of the sounds within your jukebox.
https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/1241905/jukebox-...Jukebox vault (Score +2 so far). The present thread, regards organization of your sounds from campaign to campaign. This is related to "Jukebox layout, multiple playlists" but it is not an exact overlap.
Ikarus you might want to consider re-stating your Suggestion on the other, more popular upvoted thread, that also relates to Jukebox reorganization. Note that your thread is also equally valid standing on its own, but your idea might get more views in the other thread.
To see all the Sound suggestions I could find, combined in a single posting index, look here: