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Allow text inside Card Decks

Score + 234
Sheet Author
Currently, you can only create cards from images. The process of scanning real-world cards or creating cards outside of roll20 in a graphics editing program can be tedious and time consuming. I think card creation would be greatly enhanced by allowing text entry with basic editing features . Not all cards require or need an image. Decks can be used in many different ways in games. Inventory, spells, conditions, buffs, magic items, NPC's, clues, etc. Not to mention the plethora of strategic card-based games that rely on written information found on their cards. Images and text can be found inside Character Journals and Handouts, why not Decks?
Sheet Author
Definitely have my vote. I play several games that use special cards for resolution and/or character creation. Although pictures are nice, all that matters is the text. It would be much quicker (and more legible) to just type in the text.
This would be really nice. If images aren't particularly important to your game--for instance, you're just using a "Conditions Deck" or some such--it'd be great to be able to make that without having to create and upload images when all you're doing is text.
+1 to this. I really like to add some visual flair to my games, so I'm using cards as inventory. Hovewer, that way players miss all the stats and descriptions, and still have to check character sheets for details.
Sheet Author
Since roll20 is a primarily image-based VTT, adding text on cards would also help with accessibility issues for roll20 users that are visually impaired. Thoughts?
The Aaron
API Scripter
Having a blind player, I'm in favor of accessibility improvements. That said, I'm not sure this would qualify as the card is part of the graphics canvas, so to a screen reader it's just a picture either way. Still a good suggestion!
Sheet Author
The Aaron said: Having a blind player, I'm in favor of accessibility improvements. That said, I'm not sure this would qualify as the card is part of the graphics canvas, so to a screen reader it's just a picture either way. Still a good suggestion! I'm curious. I help a friend who is blind with her computer issues. I would like to hear what her JAWS(OS-integrated text reader) program would do with roll20 in general. I just assumed that any text-based fields would be read aloud. Need to test this out.

Edited 1425645407
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Would the text be able to generate results using variables? Would be great to have treasure 'cards' that can have a variable amount of coinage etc when drawn... gets my vote regardless but if it is just graphical like Aaron intimated then maybe my dreams are shattered before being officially dreamt (tonight)...
Sheet Author
Ziechael said: Would the text be able to generate results using variables? Would be great to have treasure 'cards' that can have a variable amount of coinage etc when drawn... gets my vote regardless but if it is just graphical like Aaron intimated then maybe my dreams are shattered before being officially dreamt (tonight)... I believe it's strictly graphical at this point. If text were allowed, as I envision it, cards and decks would act similar to handouts and could be hyperlinked, searched, sorted (if only by a card's name field), folder's anyone?, formating w/url support, and more... Then we can bring on API access for who knows what. I digress. Just adding embedded text support would be a start.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
This could be applied to tables too though right... and therefore potentially bypass the graphical issue?
Plenty of card systems you only need text or even a couple words for it to be playable. For example, trying to host a game of are you the werewolf could be as simple as having a card that states "Werewolf" or "Villager". Some more complex games incorporate many more role titles though and it would quickly become exceedingly tedius to whip up a graphic that has a single word on it. Was hoping to whip up a 'board game night' on roll20 and play games like werewolf, CAH, homebrew card and board games, etc, but that doesn't seem possible without spending weeks preparing for each onejust because you need to create a unique graphic for each card when there can be hundreds in a single game.

Edited 1462076956
Forum Champion
I would like to display the Name of the card in the chat, when the Card is drawn. (Name is already an existing field on Cards anyway). Also, if the Card is functioning as a Token, which is currently possible, then I would like the Name of the Card to automatically or optionally be the Name and Nameplate of the Token. In this way, the Players can draw from a Treasure Deck, Gems Deck, Swords Deck, or Monster Deck. When the "Card" is placed on Map as a Token, we need the Name to be able to distinguish Red Gem Card (Name: Red Gem $300), apart from Red Gem Card (Name: Fake Red Gem $5). If it could output Red Gem $300 to the chat, when the Card's picture is just a picture of a Red Gem with no words, or if we can output Red Gem $300 as a Nameplate on the Card (Token), that would make card decks great for many new purposes! I want this for D&D games, so this would become absolutely functional for RPG as well as traditional card games. The GM can already type the Name of the Card in the Card Deck settings. However this text is not output or displayed anywhere in-game, currently, as far as I know. But, I also support +1 for adding another Text Field onto Cards, and being able to Output all that text (Title and Body) as the Card itself, even absent a card image. Generate a card image that is the text.

Edited 1462191673
Will K.
Sheet Author
Would be nice if this also featured an option to let players edit a cards text while the card on the tabletop.  Index cards are useful in a lot of situations, would make sense to emulate their function as simply and efficiently as possible.
I'd say more. Text and counters! I can use cards to track consumable itens, such as potions. So I give a player a Potion Card, write on the card what type of potion it is (Such as, Cure Moderate Wounds). I can also use counters, which can be used with wands.
Mike W.
Sheet Author
Marketplace Creator
I would suggest making a "about"  button that you can write disciption or text whatever you want.  so not to cover artwork.
I have crit fumble and crit hit cards so the characters can draw a card when needed but how do I sit it up if possible
Sheet Author
Hammy said: I have crit fumble and crit hit cards so the characters can draw a card when needed but how do I sit it up if possible You have to use an image for each card. ;-(  If you have the actual cards, you would need to scan each, upload to your image library and create a card deck using your images for each card.  I did this for Pathfinder's crit and fumble decks. Ugh.  I also created a conditions deck, but for those I used a word processor to create my text for each card and exported as an image.  Then the process is pretty much the same.
What happened with this project? I really want new features for decks.
As with most things that are suggested to Roll20. It is filed but placed on the back burner in favor of what they want to do or are able to do. They do this  without leaving us any comment. I am nto sure they even read all of these suggestions as even the easy ones are not implemented.
I have used card decks to help handle inventory items (especially common drops like healing potions) and even experimented with spell cards for some of my higher-level casters (before we got the major updates to the Pathfinder character sheet that handled spells infinitely better). There are some non-standard uses waiting to be realized if this functionality were upgraded.
+1 For the first step, allowing (rich) text on the card would be enough. It don't have to mix text and images, allow links or stuff like this (even if this would be nice) This would really help in Chronicles of Darkness or Fate Games and the like.
I want to second this. I am trying to set up for a digital Hero Quest games and having text on cards would be super useful.
I finded this one after some search of sugestion for improving the Deck system o/ I give here a +1 too and hope its will Help !&nbsp; I have the feel like the ask here and this one&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Is closely linked !&nbsp;(*^▽^)b
+1 Would be very useful for gaming.
+1&nbsp; This sounds very promising. &nbsp;&nbsp;
Seems like a 'Deck of Macros' would provide the functionality, and a lot more since you can nest Macros too. Perhaps a 'Macro Deck' could be its own thing as opposed to redesigning the Image Deck. Just blurting thoughts. Maybe a good idea, maybe not...
+1 this is exactly something I need to run games like Role With It, and its helpful as a general tool for other games.
Sheet Author
Just revisiting the suggestion forum after the latest changes made to help improve it Forum Voting ... I still feel that adding text to cards a viable suggestion and would add to an already great roll20 feature. Would love to see my suggestion creep a little closer to 200 to get a little attention from the Devs.&nbsp;
Forum Champion
Vince said: I still feel that adding text to cards a viable suggestion and would add to an already great roll20 feature. Would love to see my suggestion creep a little closer to 200 to get a little attention from the Devs.&nbsp; Interesting. I would like to see your suggestion accelerate rapidly past 200 and get On Dev. Card Text would be a possible boon on the Marketplace, expanding the Decks offerings. I think this would open whole new avenues of game play.
Sheet Author
Gold said: Interesting. I would like to see your suggestion accelerate rapidly past 200 and get On Dev. You got me there Gold. ;-)
+1. The lack of this is seriously making me reconsider running a Fate game on here.
Forum Champion
Gregory M. said: +1. The lack of this is seriously making me reconsider running a Fate game on here. There is some new FATE support on this site, but still not able to write text on Cards AFIK
Definitely would want this.
This would be very helpful, as I am working on creating a card game with my friends and having this would allow us to test everything out very easily.
We need this not only for Fate, but also for Chronicles of Darkness Games as well as such Games like "1000 White Cards". There should be the possibilty to set a deck up, that either only the GM or all players can write on (blank) cards. If you'd could toss a card face down to a player this would also be a great tool to pass short notes / information pieces to on another... or items.
Marketplace Creator
Since cards on the VTT tend to be small, I'd love to be able to just keep the artwork front and center while putting the effects of a card in a separate textbox, especially for things like the deck of many things, or similar card systems.
Forum Champion
I noticed / experienced that the GM can "Show Card Decks" but if a Player clicks HIDE on their end, it Hides the card decks for everyone, as if that Player was the GM!!! Please fix this also ^^ when other Card Deck features are addressed. This should be either the GM controls it for everyone, and-or Players control hiding it for their own individual screen. It should not allow a Player disappearing the card decks that the GM had opened.
Gold, I would post that to its own thread over in the Bugs forum. That sounds like a serious flaw...
Sheet Author
Rabulias said: Gold, I would post that to its own thread over in the Bugs forum. That sounds like a serious flaw... Sadly, I think this has been this way since the cards were added to roll20...

Edited 1583382812
Forum Champion
Decided to stick in onto this discussion for solidarity. Seeing the way they tackled Audio/Jukebox suggestions, I think they go through the thread and collect all the ideas and then decide which ones to do, so hopefully just a way to push for an overall round of Card Deck improvements, this being one. I agree it's a bug, and probably a "Known Bug" for many years, but seems most likely to get fixed if there is a whole new look at Card Deck Features. BTW a Dev N. has previously posted elsewhere saying that Card Deck improvements would be driven by licensing arrangement with card game maker(s), FWIW. I'm hoping for a popular card game that requires the GM to show/hide decks and needs Players/GM's to be able to type/write text or upload pictures onto cards, on both sides, pending Permission settings config. In other words make "Index Cards" features. Vince said: Rabulias said: Gold, I would post that to its own thread over in the Bugs forum. That sounds like a serious flaw... Sadly, I think this has been this way since the cards were added to roll20...
Please God, yes. Would make a lot of things much easier to handle, like quests.
Forum Champion
Roll20 did an update to Card Decks, but not allowing text on them. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Check out the update &amp; let them know your needs for Cards on Roll20.
Sheet Author
Thanks for the heads up Gold.&nbsp;
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Yeah, having an option to use text makes sense, for the several reasons stated in the thread. The interface/creating of a text-based input for cards maybe could be partially taken from how Roll Tables are made?
Agreed, text on playing cards would be a great feature, a number of games are coming through Kickstarter that use a normal deck of playing cards you edit for example, Unbound