This saturday we had the weirdest issue. I am, and always have been the only GM on my campaign, Im listed under details as the only GM also..but this saturday we had a few things that popped up as odd. Characters getting random status markers I, or the player, did not set. I know it wasn't one of my scripts as it was doing the incremental ones like "aura with number 3" on it. none of my scripts set numbers on icons, much less use that status icon. And bar linked attributes changing what its linked to. Also random characters bar stats was set to random numbers, or stats on the attributes page not even linked to the character sheet changing to random numbers. And lastly 2 "random added" characters I saw pop in while I was looking at them. They was the default randomly named generated characters..like someone just hit "add". It all seemed like someone was logged in as GM, that wasn't in the gamelist, doing things only GM's have access to. Is this possible? or anyway someone can get into the game as GM by accident I never assigned GM to?