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Players unable to discard

Maybe I'm missing something here, but my players seem to be unable to delete cards from the table. They have no "Delete" option in the card menu and hitting the delete key does nothing. Is this intentional to prevent them from messing with cards that are not theirs? I would like to give them the option as it is an inconvenience (admittedly, a minor one) to have to delete all the cards myself. Anybody know if I just overlooked something? Thanks

Edited 1414522883
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
I do not think the players can delete the cards but you as the gm can recall them back to the deck. I really don't think deleting them should be done because (not sure of it) it might remove them from the deck itself and you would have to put them back in again.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
(It does not remove them from the deck, it is equivalent to returning them to the deck)

Edited 1414529382
Forum Champion
When it comes to cards 'delete' is the same as 'discard'. As for being able to delete cards, your players should be able to do so unless you have set the cards up as tokens. Are the cards set up as tokens (do they have the radial menu when you select a card)?
I do. I'll switch that. Thanks.
Forum Champion
Happy to help. :)