Hey there! I am currently playing in Carrion Crown on Monday nights, and it is pretty freakin' good. I really love the Adventure Path system, and after reading some of the descriptions on Paizo's site, I am interested in joining one of the following AP's, preferably as early in the AP as possible: Reign of Winter, Council of Thieves, Wrath of the Righteous, Iron Gods, or Kingmaker . I have no problem filling ANY role in a party, but oddly enough I have never played a pure caster. I am interested in playing (and have concepts for) a Cavalier, Magus, Investigator, Shapeshifter Ranger and Shaman. I am definitely not a min/maxer...to me the story is most important. Any GM's running any of the above games, or any AP besides Carrion Crown or ROTRunelords (which I spoiled for myself by reading part of), and have the need for a player, let me know! I will warn you, my Monday night GM is pretty dope, so I am used to a certain level of GM Chops...look forward to hearing form you guys!