Before heading down the stairs to the Dungeon of Drezen, the heroes examine some of the maps in the planning room. Many are nondescript renderings of Anestral City and its surroundings, but one map of the world shows a huge scar in the land running from Anestral City to Talism City. It is labeled "Worldwound". From the desk, Nor collects several books on a dwarven deity named Droskar, a journal, and various loose notes. He skims these, but doesn't find anything immediately useful. The party descends. At the bottom of a long flight of stairs, they reach the citadel's lower level. This is clearly a place of great evil: demonic carvings and twisting runes decorate the walls, and a constant, grating whispering fills the air. A long hallway stretches into the darkness, lined with prison cells. Lor and Nor take the lead, but they are only halfway down the hall when two large wraiths spring from the walls, surrounding them. The tormented souls strike at the party members, draining their life force with every touch of their claws. Elaryan and Arthas run forward to aid the halflings, and the party quickly dispatches the ghostly creatures. At the end of the hallway, several cells lie open, and these are occupied by an even more fearsome sight: the dwarves who protected the citadel have been converted to vampire guardians. The vampires ambush the party from all sides, some attacking from the cover of greater invisibility spells. Once again, the companions use superior tactics to overcome their foes. Nor uses invisibility purge to reveal the hidden enemies, Arthas lays cover fire with Erastil's Fury , and Elaryan deals out a combination of fireball and chain lightning spells. In minutes, the vampire guardians are dust, though they manage to drain some of the heroes' life force before they are dispatched. The party rests for a few moments, as Nor casts restoration and Lor and Arthas heal their wounds. Then they investigate a side hall which leads to a pair of warded cells. The entryway to each cell is lined with multiple layers of arcane sigils scribed into the floor, lintels, and even the barred door. While the symbols around the western cell door glow with red light, those to the east do not and its prison door hangs open. The inactive cell has a prayer carved into its wall, begging Lady Luck for redemption and rescue. Finding nothing more of interest, the companions double back and proceed down another passage. The door to this hall is trapped with a powerful symbol of dispelling , however, and the heroes find all of their magical effects are extinguished-- including their light sources! Nor quickly cats another light spell as the party is attacked from the darkness. As the light flickers into existence, the heroes see that their foes are two massive gibrileth demons. These vile creatures have bodies composed almost entirely of quivering, globular, acidic tumors, save for their batlike wings and the nests of spindly, atrophied arms growing from the top of their bodies. They spew forth clouds of noxious vapours and attack with filthy scorpion whips. This battle does not go as well as the previous ones. The nauseau caused by the gibrileths' stench causes the party's tactics to suffer, and the demons attack mercilessly. As the heroes desperately battle in the tight confines of the prison hallway, Hubris stumbles, and Arthas receives a blow across his eyes from one of the demons' scorpion whips: the cruel barbs blind the paladin. Moments later, Elaryan fires a ray of enervation into the melee and accidentally strikes Xhotl, draining her life force. With Arthas blind, Xhotl weakened, and Nor retching in a corner, the heroes decide to retreat. They flee to the area with the warded cells, closing the huge iron doors behind them. For a moment, they have a chance to rest. Everyone who played gains 5,000 XP