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Add macros to Transmogrifier

+1000--how about just letting us copy everything, eh? :P
+1 I was surprised that it didn't already exist. 
Sheet Author
+1 How hard could this be to implement?
+1 I was surprised to find it wasn't already there.
I save all my votes for the low number suggestions to help push them past the ten vote threshold but this idea is a good labor saver. I vote up with my comment.
+1 Oh god yes - trying to keep my API scripts and Macros in sync between campaigns is a nightmare!

Edited 1620853048
API Scripter
6 YEARS just to copy macros!!!!!
Bump. as well as&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp; Should be able to do all of this TBH.&nbsp;
+1 We NEED this!
Just wondering ... has anyone heard anything new about ability to transmogrify macros ?
Daniel S.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
+10 million.&nbsp; I playtest an original system regularly, and sometimes need to bring players into a new campaign with different sheet code, or because a previous one is bloated. Because this isn't a feature, I tend to have 1-2 extremely bloated games with tons of maps and players so that I don't have to redo macros and API's. Would be so much easier if I could make new one-shot games and transfer all that. I will say, bringing folders from another game with included handouts, etc., should also be a part of this update.
Forum Champion
Yes please +1 and Allow Macros to be in Folders, Allow Transmogrifying of Folders, ergo: Allow Transmogrify of Macros &amp; Folders of Macros
Yes, please. I create "master" games for different one-shots and adventures I run, and then copy those games each time I run them. Every time I copy, I need to manually copy over every single macro and every single API script. It adds a lot of setup time, and makes running a pick-up game harder.
Ian said: Yes, please. I create "master" games for different one-shots and adventures I run, and then copy those games each time I run them. Every time I copy, I need to manually copy over every single macro and every single API script. It adds a lot of setup time, and makes running a pick-up game harder. I hate that you have to do that. I hope they do anything with the Transmogifier soon.&nbsp;
Forum Champion
Compendium Curator
Hey folks,&nbsp; Excited to say that I've changed the status on this suggestion to Queued and I expect transmogrifying macros to be a possibility in the very near future. Thanks as always for your feedback and votes!
Ashton said: Hey folks,&nbsp; Excited to say that I've changed the status on this suggestion to Queued and I expect transmogrifying macros to be a possibility in the very near future. Thanks as always for your feedback and votes! Yay! Thanks!
wow... wait ... am not dreaming, am I ? Sorry ;) Much appreciated! Sincerely looking forward to it. Finally my GM tasks are getting easier to handle :D&nbsp;&nbsp;
Well, then! I just came on here to vote for this! YAY!!!! +1,000,000,000