EDIT - We're full at this point. Thanks!
Hey y'all -
After wrapping up a modern day GURPS campaign, I'm in the mood for something completely different. To that end, we're dialing the controls on the Wayback Machine and setting the flux capacitor to 1974. Tuesday nights at 6:00 PM PDT/MST (-7 GMT) I am going to be running an old school style Dungeons and Dragons game using the 0E retro-clone Swords and Wizardry.
I've got two players from other campaigns signed up and ready to play, so I'd like to get any other interested people to join me next Tuesday (May 7) on my Mumble server where we can discuss the upcoming game, character generation, setting details and general player/GM expectations. The only requirements I have for the game are that you can commit to playing at the scheduled times and you possess both a working microphone and a good attitude. I should be able to provide everything else.
If you're interested in joining the group, please reply below and PM me your email address so I can get you an invite and mail out the connection details for the Mumble server along with the Roll20 link.
If you've never played an RPG before: Awesome! Welcome to the hobby – in my opinion this is as good of a place as any to start. There are no books to buy or unwieldy rules to learn. You'll be able to start playing in our first real session and character creation won't take more than a few minutes.
If you're only familiar with new school D&D: You're going to understand all of the terminology and concepts right off the bat. There might be some things to unlearn or a difference in expectations, but we'll address that next week.
If you've never played a D&D game before: Here's your chance.
If you're a card carrying member of the OSR looking for a group: I hope you've already sent me a PM.
Anyone else, I'm happy to answer questions or go into further detail regarding the game here.
LFG Listing: https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/4523/strange-cousins-from-the-west