Hi, i've scoured the forums so apologies if this has been addressed elsewhere but i just wondered if there was an argument to be made for having a macro repository sorted by game (3.5, patherfinder etc) in which players could easily share and develop macros. I've learned a lot from the help pages but still have a lot to learn to develop some really useful macros for my campaign. Fortunately for me Diana P has helped me a lot and i think i'm about ready to be building my own more complex ones. However there are a lot of unique situations that can't be covered by standard or simple macros (i'm thinking spells and special powers primarily) and a place to collate and share those would be amazing. Especially as there is more than one way to represent the desired effects it would be great to get other users opinions on our spell macros/power cards for API users? Please delete this thread if it already exists somewhere!