Sure. Long version: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> My version: You can use this to perform string simple string formatting. So, for example, you might want to write a custom !roll command for some reason, and while you could just have it output to the chat as a preformatted string. I'm pseudocoding, so bear with me, but you might do something like this: var roll = '1d10+2d6+3'; // From user input.
var total = 12; // From random cool code.
var rolls = [6, 1, 2]; // From random cool code.
var user = 'Cool Player'; // From msg.who;
var msgform = '%s rolled %s: %d (rolls: %s)'; // The template you want to output.
sendChat(user, format(msgform, user, roll, total, rolls.join(','))); The advantages are many:
String concatenation (e.g. string + string + string) is notoriously slow in Javascript.
You can preformat your messages in a much easier to read manner.
It's actually much shorter, and thus easier for you to read and debug later.
It separates the presentation from the logic.