If the bars height, name font size, and status icons scaled to the size of the tokens. Then zooming in, or having smaller tokens than the default grid size would be much less cumbersome, For example this is default: This is a quick horribly done photoshop mockup of what I mean: When using a 0.5 grid size, and adding tokens bars, they end up as big as the token is tall, and the status markers are massive. If the bars and status scaled a % of the default 70x70 size (say 70x70 is 100% a 35x35 token would make them 50% smaller also). This is my players party in a dungeon, zoomed in a hair so they could see what's going on..and its terribly messy looking. The bars take up the entire grid above them, and status icons cover the entire token if you have more than one: Add in 5-6 mobs they are fighting and its just a mess of huge bars and icons with a foot or arm sticking out under the jumbled mess. We ended up turning off names since that just added to the problem as they don't scale font size with token size either: