I don't want the entire PowerCard to be whispered, just a portion. For instance, a PowerCard for a player that has a small note that is whispered to the GM (reminder or whatever). Is that possible?
Use two !power inside one macro. One that uses the --whisper|GM and the other that doesn't. I do this for attacks. The enemy token's stats (AC, HP, etc.) get whispered to me, while the attack rolls are "on the table".Marko said:
I don't want the entire PowerCard to be whispered, just a portion. For instance, a PowerCard for a player that has a small note that is whispered to the GM (reminder or whatever). Is that possible?
Vince said:
Use two !power inside one macro. One that uses the --whisper|GM and the other that doesn't. I do this for attacks. The enemy token's stats (AC, HP, etc.) get whispered to me, while the attack rolls are "on the table".Marko said:
I don't want the entire PowerCard to be whispered, just a portion. For instance, a PowerCard for a player that has a small note that is whispered to the GM (reminder or whatever). Is that possible?
The Dragon said:
Yeah that only works if the taken stats are set up on the bar and you know the order, and/or the tokens have sheets in the journal tab.
GenKitty said:
*tongue in cheek* Is there any other way?
Seriously, if you're going to the trouble of using powercards, go the extra few yards to have journals with the most basic of information you need for making the elementary macros you'll need for running the monsters. Each of my monsters for an encounter has HP/Defenses/Init attributes, plus the specific macros needed for their attacks.
!power --name|Test --attack|[[1d20+@{selected|formula_hell}]]results in something in the hover like "1d20+1+floor(stat/2)-5+3+1+0+0+0+0 = ..."
!pcpp --name|Test --attack|[#[1d20+[=[@{selected|formula_hell}]=]]#]Might work? Depends on the order of evaluation of that [=[ ]=] construct. Certainly, if it's first it should work. If it DOESN'T work, I bet I can fix it. =D
Thanks Kevin, that cleared up alot. Appreciate the clarification.Kevin said:
@Den G. - You are using the sheet I created that uses Powercards. What is described above are Roll Templates, they are a new feature in the upcoming update. They are completely separate entities and the sheet that Actoba has is still being developed and tweaked at this point.
Sean G. said:
Hmmmm... I hadn't noticed this before because I was testing other portions, but apparently with the version for Dev (on live now), indenting does not work when using charms. I have had this set up in my customized 5e sheet, and it worked perfectly previously, indenting the specific lines of the charms. I'm really quite confused as to why being able to indent for charms stopped working for me. Does it work for anyone else?
!power @{format} --charid|@{character_id} --emote|@{spellemotetext} --name|@{spellname} --leftsub|@{spellcasttime} --rightsub|@{spellrange} --Prepared?|@{spellisprepared} --Concentration?|@{spellconcentration} --Ritual?|@{spellritual} --Components|@{spellcomponents} --Duration|@{spellduration} --target_list|@{spelltarget} --Target#?{Number of targets|1}|**$$#cf0000|%%token_name%%$$** ]_[^1**Attack:**~~[[1d20 + @{attackstat} [Attack stat mod] + @{PB} [Proficiency Bonus] + @{global_spell_attack_bonus} [Active Spell Attack Bonus] ]] | [[1d20 + @{attackstat} [Attack stat mod] + @{PB} [Proficiency Bonus] + @{global_spell_attack_bonus} [Active Spell Attack Bonus] ]]~~ ]_[^1**AC:**~†%%bar3%%~† ]_[^1**Damage:**~~[[@{damage} [Base Spell Damage] + @{damagestatbonus} + @{damagemiscbonus} + @{global_spell_damage_bonus} [Active Spell Damage Bonus] + (0d0)) [Bugfix 0]]]~~ ]_[^1**Damage Type:**@{damagetype} @{spellcrittext} --Higher Spell Effect|@{spellhighersloteffect} --Description|@{spelldescription}
!power --name|Test --!Text|Line 1 ^^ ^1 Line 2That shouldn't have worked. ^# is used to indent the tag and the contents of the entire tag. ^* can be used inside the content to indent the first line.
.replace(/\]\_\[/g,"<hr style='border: 0; height: 0; border-top: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); margin-bottom: 4px; margin-top: 4px;'/>")
The Aaron said:
I'm surprised the rgba() is working for you. Usually the chat processor strips out functions style css bits.
GenKitty said:
Sooooo.... when does the dev version get cleared for use on production servers? ^_^
GenKitty said:
Sooooo.... when does the dev version get cleared for use on production servers? ^_^
SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input
at processRoll (evalmachine.<anonymous>:1745:22)
at evalmachine.<anonymous>:1668:14
at Array.forEach (native)
at buildInline (evalmachine.<anonymous>:1667:26)
at Object.PowerCard.Process (evalmachine.<anonymous>:1466:13)
at evalmachine.<anonymous>:1271:11
at eval (
GenKitty said:
Bug? [[ [XPND] 1d6 + 1d6 ]] crashes the sandboxSyntaxError: Unexpected end of input at processRoll (evalmachine.<anonymous>:1745:22) at evalmachine.<anonymous>:1668:14 at Array.forEach (native) at buildInline (evalmachine.<anonymous>:1667:26) at Object.PowerCard.Process (evalmachine.<anonymous>:1466:13) at evalmachine.<anonymous>:1271:11 at eval (
Huh... weird. I wonder if it does that in chat, not through an api.
{ "content": "!msg $[[0]]", "inlinerolls": [ { "expression": "1d5cf4", "results": { "resultType": "sum", "rolls": [ { "dice": 1, "mods": { "customFumble": [ { "comp": "==", "point": 4 } ] }, "results": [ { "v": 4 } ], "sides": 5, "type": "R" } ], "total": 4, "type": "V" }, "rollid": "-JkDPCD4PSsp0gRs1RFb", "signature": "272a3a8f3a0697b6572dd7317894740690c6809ff80085d888f683b8be6c93dc0f42159f60ceca1cd2f839d73238bb58a0c58ab2294842cece17baa7aac7ff57" } ], "playerid": "-JS3qKxIUPHLzSbK24ve", "type": "api", "who": "The Aaron (GM)" }
GenKitty said:
[[1d5cf<2cs>4]] did it, though the mouseover doesn't show the whole string, it clips out the middle portion. Which i don't care about, much, but you might like to know.
HoneyBadger said:
GenKitty said:
[[1d5cf<2cs>4]] did it, though the mouseover doesn't show the whole string, it clips out the middle portion. Which i don't care about, much, but you might like to know.
I bet this has something to do with html. Since it has <2cs> in there.
That's a good theory. Try [[1d5cs>4cf<2]] instead.
The Dragon said:
Expended [[ [XPND] 1d6 + 1d6 ]] roll will not show up on the production server as of yet. A really nice feature would love to see it in production server.