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GM Macros

Hello, I'm trying to make a macro for my monsters to automatically roll all saves, and display ACs, so anytime they are assaulted I can just tell what hits and doesn't. This works, but it's choppy and is hard to read. I do have power cards API, but that's public info as far as I can tell. Is there a better way to do what I'm trying to accomplish? Thanks in advance, /w gm .......................... /w gm CMD:[[ 0d0+10[BASE] + @{BAB} + @{STR-mod} + @{Dex-mod}]] /w gm HP:[[ @{Selected|BAR3} ]] / [[ @{Selected|Bar3|MAX} ]] /w gm AC[[ @{Selected|Bar1} ]]♦Flat[[ @{selected|Bar1} ]]Touch♦[[ 10 + @{DEX-mod} ]] /w gm Fort[[1d20 + @{Fort} ]]♦Ref[[1d20+@{Ref} ]]♦Will[[ 1d20+@{Will} ]] /w gm ..........................
The Aaron
API Scripter
I'm not sure if it will help, but there is a --whisper|gm option for powercards.
That helps a ton! Thank you!
Sheet Author
Try this Sudain. !power --whisper|GM --name|@{selected|character_name}'s Stats --CMD|[[ 0d0+10[BASE] + @{selected|BAB} + @{selected|STR-mod} + @{selected|Dex-mod}]] --HP|[[ @{selected|BAR3} ]] / [[ @{selected|Bar3|MAX} ]] --AC|[[ @{selected|Bar1} ]] **Flat** [[ @{selected|Bar1} ]] **Touch**[[ 10 + @{selected|DEX-mod} ]] --Fort|[[1d20 + @{selected|Fort} ]] **Ref:** [[1d20+@{selected|Ref} ]] **Will:** [[ 1d20+@{selected|Will} ]]