I have recently joined a group playing Dead Reign, a Palladium Megaverse game. During character creation and our first session of play I notice a few small items that would be useful for the community character sheet. After a little investigation I figured out how to manage custom character sheets and made the tweeks I thought would be useful (at least in the very short term). I have made a pull request in GitHub with the changes. I will duplicate the changes I have made here in hopes of the author (John W.) finding them and concurring with them on GitHub. All changes and additions were made to the HTML code. 1. Changed the diamond question mark symbol after Megaverse to a © symbol. This occurs in lines 1 and 1089. 2. Added text input blocks for Level and Experience; text input was used vice number input due to the visibility restrictions applied to the number box (only three digits would be visible and experience will quickly enter 4 or more digits. These additions can be found at lines 33 through 40. 3. Added "Principled" tho the available alignment options in the drop down menu as it was inconveniently missing. Taoist (Nuetral?) was also moved above the evil alignments to show a transition. This addition and change can be found at lines 45 and 49. 4. Added a die roller to tab 4 (skills) to allow for easy skill checks. This universal roller asks for the skill name and rating then returns and success or failure (a 1 or 0). It also states which skill is being attempted in the chat window. This addition can be found at line 493. I commented about all of these on GitHub except the alignment items mentioned in item 3 above. Thank you for your consideration of these changes and for designing this sheet to begin with. I will likely think of other changes that might be nice, but these would certainly make things a bit better immediately.