Shadowrun 5E. Black Trenchcoat.
Character driven, RP heavy.
Roll20 + Voice chat, Theatre of the mind.
Weekly, Sunday 3PM, GMT.
Long term.
I'm starting a Shadowrun 5E game, and am looking for some victi... players.
This will be an RP heavy game. If you want to play a character who has no name (because you can't come up with one for the first session), or who wants to roll a bucketful of dice and watch things explode - this game is not for you. If you're looking for a chance to explore a thematically interesting character with complex motives in an interesting world, sign up now. It's certainly not to say that there won't be explosions, but they'll be deep, meaningful explosions if they do happen.
The focus of our campaign will be character interaction and development, and I hope that the campaign will be a long term one.
Why you want me to DM for you:
Experience: I'm 27 with a lot of RPG and DMing behind me. I know how to run a game smoothly and efficiently.
Stability: I'm a regular committer and will ensure that I'm always ready and prepared for sessions.
Clear English: While I'm not a native speaker, I speak comprehensible and clear English without much of an accent.
Creativity: I will endeavor to provide well written scenarios without self-satisfaction or abusing genre clichés.
If you are interested, please PM me with the following:
- Why you think you would be a good fit for this game
- Your skype contact details
I'm determined to make this game work smoothly and effectively, so I'm willing to go the extra mile to accommodate and ensure I have capable and reliable players.