Question: If I whisper to a character named 'Kane', How does Roll20 connect that name with the player that controls the character 'Kane'? The first entry in who can edit a character on a character journal entry a token is pulled from?
I'll be perfectly honest. Hc Svnt Dracones doesn't have a character sheet. It has a character sheet sharing app on the way, but it's not here yet. I'm trying to cleanup a macro that effectively does a end-run around not-having a character sheet. In HSD things like hitpoints are not a flat stand-alone stat. They are (one stat + a second stat) * 10. (They're also not what I've made a macro to calculate.) The macro I want to make is one that puts sections of these stats at the player's fingertips without having to fill the chat log up for everyone.
I'll be perfectly honest. Hc Svnt Dracones doesn't have a character sheet. It has a character sheet sharing app on the way, but it's not here yet. I'm trying to cleanup a macro that effectively does a end-run around not-having a character sheet. In HSD things like hitpoints are not a flat stand-alone stat. They are (one stat + a second stat) * 10. (They're also not what I've made a macro to calculate.) The macro I want to make is one that puts sections of these stats at the player's fingertips without having to fill the chat log up for everyone.